#!/usr/bin/python """This performs simultaneous dns lookups for pairs of dns_object query_type provided on stdin.""" from __future__ import print_function import sys import pprint import argparse #try: # import adns #except ImportError: # #cd /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/include/python2.7/ ; sudo ln -sf /opt/local/include/adns.h adns.h ; cd - # print("Missing adns module; perhaps 'sudo rpm -ivh adns-python-1.2.2-1.x86_64.rpm', 'sudo -H pip install https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/adns-python/adns-python-1.2.1.tar.gz' or 'sudo port install adns' ? Exiting.") # raise from async_resolver_class import AsyncResolver def debug(debug_message): """Print a debugging message.""" sys.stderr.write('___ ' + debug_message + '\n') sys.stderr.flush() def fail(debug_message): """Print a debugging message and quit.""" sys.stderr.write('xxx ' + debug_message + '\n') sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(1) def show_answers(answer_dict, do_prettyprint, do_typesummary, do_csv): if do_prettyprint: pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) pp.pprint(answer_dict) if do_typesummary: for one_dns_obj in sorted(answer_dict): live_answers = [] for one_ans_type in sorted(answer_dict[one_dns_obj]): if answer_dict[one_dns_obj][one_ans_type] != None: live_answers.append(one_ans_type) print(one_dns_obj + ': ' + '/'.join(live_answers)) if do_csv: for one_dns_obj in sorted(answer_dict): for one_ans_type in sorted(answer_dict[one_dns_obj]): if answer_dict[one_dns_obj][one_ans_type] != None: for one_answer in answer_dict[one_dns_obj][one_ans_type]: clean_answer = str(one_answer).replace(',', '_') clean_dns_obj = str(one_dns_obj).replace(',', '_') if clean_dns_obj[-1] != '.': clean_dns_obj = clean_dns_obj + '.' if one_ans_type == 'A': print('DN,' + clean_answer + ',A,' + clean_dns_obj + ',') elif one_ans_type == 'CNAME': #This record only has the CNAME names, not the target IP needed by passer. Skip it and depend on A records instead. pass #print('DN,,CNAME,' + clean_dns_obj + ',' + clean_answer) elif one_ans_type == 'MX': #This record only has the mailserver names. If we have an A record for the mailserver name, now we can create full MX record lines. if clean_answer in answer_dict and 'A' in answer_dict[clean_answer] and answer_dict[clean_answer]['A']: for one_mx_ip in answer_dict[clean_answer]['A']: print('DN,' + one_mx_ip + ',MX,' + clean_dns_obj + ',' + clean_answer) elif one_ans_type == 'MX_IP': print('DN,' + clean_answer + ',MX,' + clean_dns_obj + ',') elif one_ans_type == 'NS': #This record only has the nameserver names. If we have an A record for the nameserver name, now we can create full NS record lines. if clean_answer in answer_dict and 'A' in answer_dict[clean_answer] and answer_dict[clean_answer]['A']: for one_ns_ip in answer_dict[clean_answer]['A']: print('DN,' + one_ns_ip + ',NS,' + clean_dns_obj + ',' + clean_answer) elif one_ans_type == 'NS_IP': print('DN,' + clean_answer + ',NS,' + clean_dns_obj + ',') elif one_ans_type == 'SOA': print('DN,,SOA,' + clean_dns_obj + ',' + clean_answer) elif one_ans_type == 'TXT': print('DN,,TXT,' + clean_dns_obj + ',' + clean_answer) else: fail('Unrecognized one_ans_type in show_answers: ' + str(one_ans_type)) #Main slice_size = 500 #This should be a multiple of 5 to avoid having answers for a given domain should up at the end of one slice and the beginning of the next. mega_resolve_ver = '1.6' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Mega_resolve v' + mega_resolve_ver + '. Lookup large numbers of dns objects, provided as dns_obj query_type pairs on stdin.') parser.add_argument('-p', '--pprint', '--prettyprint', help='Show output in a pretty printed tree', dest='prettyprint', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-t', '--typesummary', help='Summarize which dns types are available for each object', dest='typesummary', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-c', '--csv', help='Show all answers in csv format', dest='csv', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-s', '--simul', help='Maximum simultaneous DNS requests', required=False) parser.set_defaults(prettyprint=False,typesummary=False,csv=False) args = vars(parser.parse_args()) prettyprint = args['prettyprint'] typesummary = args['typesummary'] csv = args['csv'] if not prettyprint and not typesummary and not csv: typesummary = True if args['simul']: max_intensity = args['simul'] else: max_intensity = 100 dom_requests = [] for one_line in sys.stdin: req_atoms = one_line.replace('\n', '').split() if len(req_atoms) == 0: pass elif len(req_atoms) == 1: dom_requests.append((req_atoms[0], 'A')) dom_requests.append((req_atoms[0], 'MX')) dom_requests.append((req_atoms[0], 'NS')) dom_requests.append((req_atoms[0], 'SOA')) dom_requests.append((req_atoms[0], 'TXT')) elif len(req_atoms) == 2: if req_atoms[1] in ('A', 'MX', 'NS', 'SOA', 'TXT'): dom_requests.append((req_atoms[0], req_atoms[1])) elif req_atoms[1] == 'ANY': dom_requests.append((req_atoms[0], 'A')) dom_requests.append((req_atoms[0], 'MX')) dom_requests.append((req_atoms[0], 'NS')) dom_requests.append((req_atoms[0], 'SOA')) dom_requests.append((req_atoms[0], 'TXT')) else: fail('Invalid dns query type for line: ' + one_line.replace('\n', '')) elif len(req_atoms) > 2: fail('Invalid format for line: ' + one_line.replace('\n', '')) if len(dom_requests) >= slice_size: dom_request_slice = dom_requests[0:slice_size] dom_requests = dom_requests[slice_size:] ar = AsyncResolver(dom_request_slice, intensity=max_intensity) all_answers = ar.resolve() show_answers(all_answers, prettyprint, typesummary, csv) if len(dom_requests) > 0: ar = AsyncResolver(dom_requests, intensity=max_intensity) all_answers = ar.resolve() show_answers(all_answers, prettyprint, typesummary, csv)