Summary: Builds a Linux kernel from the source and patches. Name: buildkernel Version: 0.88 Release: 1 Copyright: GPL Group: Development/Building Source: URL: Vendor: William Stearns Packager: William Stearns %description Buildkernel allows a user to build a new Linux kernel from the source files and patches. Its strength is that it understands the build process. This means novices to the build process can build a new kernel without having to understand all the intricacies of the process. Experienced users can use this to automate the process of building a number of kernels, allowing you to experiment with new patches and beta kernels with much less attention. %prep %setup %build %install make install %files %doc COPYING QUICKSTART TURBOSTART-NEWESTSTABLE buildkernel.doc index.html buildkernel.lsm sample.bklog %config /etc/bkrc /usr/bin/buildkernel