I've written a simple dns checker. It can be found at http://www.stearns.org/dns-check/ . Pull dns-check and put it somewhere it can be executed, like ~/bin or /usr/local/bin . Put dns-check.conf in /etc (if you name it anything other than /etc/dns-check.conf, you'll need to specify the config file on the command line. mkdir /var/lib/dns-check #Where the known good data is stored. I suggest you run the program as a non-root user, say, "monitor" as it needs no privileges to run. adduser monitor chown -R monitor.monitor /var/lib/dns-check Monitor does not need to own the config file, it just has to be readable by that user. Place the dns records you want to check in /etc/dns-check.conf like so: #Sample entries #DNS server Object to request Type of DNS object Key to use localhost www.mydomain.com. A www.mydomain.com. A mydomain.com. MX mydomain.com. SOA mydomain.com. AXFR The 5 lines are: 1) Ask the DNS server at localhost where it believes www.mydomain.com. can be found. 2) Ask our other name server ( the same thing. 3) Check the MX record for the domain. 4) Check SOA too. 5) Do a full zone transfer of mydomain.com. . If you have zone transfers limited to hosts with the appropriate key, you'll need to tell dns-check what that key is. Put the key, if needed, in column 4 like so: mydomain.com. AXFR keyname:Base64KeyData== (Note that by using Tsig keys with the dig tool, the key will be briefly visible in the task list on the machine running dns-check. If protecting that key is important to you, you may wish to consider who gets accounts on that machine.) Once you've decided what to watch, run dns-check . The first time dns-check works with a new entry in /etc/dns-check.conf, it'll show you what it got from the server and save it in /var/lib/dns-check/ . A blank entry means dig couldn't pull that data at all, even after 3 tries. Run dns-check again and it'll show no output at all (and give a return code of 0 so you can call it from other scripts). This means nothing has changed. A return code of 1 means some dns data changed (or missing config file/data dir). Once it's stable, you can run it from cron with (the following on one long line in /var/spool/cron/monitor ): */3 * * * * export CHECKOUT="`dns-check`" ; if [ -n "$CHECKOUT" ]; then echo "$CHECKOUT" | mail -s 'Changed DNS' monitoringteam@mydomain.com ; fi Make sure to restart cron or "touch /var/spool/cron" to make the change take effect. To call it from another script, try: if /usr/src/dns-check/dns-check ; then echo Nothing has changed since the files were last written, good. else echo Content has either changed or been added. fi When you intentionally make changes to a dns entry, dns-check will continue to alert on the change. Simply remove the file in /var/lib/dns-check with the old, incorrect data and rerun dns-check. The file will be recreated.