The conversation was short, and unsuccessful.
"It's really a simple request; each of the employees needs an additional paid half week each year.", I pointed out.
"For what?", my boss asked. "Vacation? Community service? An office retreat?"
I shuffled uncomfortably. "Well, no. Filtering spam out of their email."
It sounds ridiculous, right? It isn't. Handling spam is a major expense for corporations, even if it doesn't show up as a line item in the budget.
I get about 120 spams/day (would anyone care to bet that number will drop? Didn't think so. :-) ) That's 43,800 spams a year. Let's assume I do nothing but identify and discard the spam, and can do so in 3 seconds per message - pretty fast, but I'm trying to come up with a conservative estimate - I'm spending 36.5 hours a year doing nothing but filtering spam.
I consider it possible that since my email address is visible on a lot of web sites and articles that I get more spam than most; lets assume I get twice as much as the average email address holder. That means that the average email recipient is spending a half week a year filtering spam. If that's done on work hours, that means the equivalent of 1 salary for every hundred employees is wasted on filtering spam.
This is why my blood pressure goes up when I see Alyx Sachs quoted in the New York Times online (purchase required) saying, "These antispammers should get a life. Do their fingers hurt too much from pressing the delete key? How much time does that really take from their day?" Enough time that my wife stopped using email because of the over 19,000 spams in her account.
In addition to the time spent handling it, we also have to account for the time spent reporting illegal spams, the steady interruptions, and the time and equipment spent on filtering it out. I'll try to minimize this latter cost by leading you through setting up a very powerful spam filter - Spamassassin - with the worlds most common mail server - Sendmail.
Your current mail setup probably acts something like this. Incoming mail arrives at port 25 of your mail server, where Sendmail is listening for incoming connections. Sendmail verifies that the mail is destined for someone with a local account. Sendmail hands the mail off to the procmail program. If you don't have a .procmailrc in your home directory on the mail server, the message is placed directly in /var/spool/mail/{your_user_id}. If you do have a .procmailrc, procmail consults the rules (such as "place all mail from in the family folder") in that file to decide what to do with the message.
We're going to add a few rules to .procmailrc that first run a program that scores this message on how likely it's spam, and then based on this probability, filter it into a almost-certainly-spam or probably-spam folder. Mail that doesn't hit either probability cutoff gets sent through to the original email folder.
Why Spamassassin? I've used 6 different spam filtering approaches over the past 6 years (junkfilter, spambouncer, a home-grown filter, razor1, razor2, and spamassassin). All of them helped, to some degree, but none of the others have as comprehensive a list of tests as Spamassassin. Here are the tests Spamassassin can use:
Note that none of the above criteria, by themselves, is enough to say a message is definitely spam; I can come up with examples for any of the above where a given rule will misfire and incorrectly increase or decrease the spam score. However, when taken together, the collection is marvelously strong and accurate at identifying spam and ham.
There are a number of steps to take, but many of them only need to be done once by a mail server administrator.
First off, make sure that your mail server is working correctly, accepting and delivering mail. I'm assuming you're using Sendmail on an rpm-based distribution. This latter is not a problem if you're not; for debian users the install may be as simple as "apt-get {packagename}", and other non-rpm distribution users are probably comfortable installing these programs from source.
Instructions and hyperlinks for a number of distributions are at the download page. I'm going off the RPM approach, so I pull down the perl-Mail-Spamassassin, spamassassin, and spamassassin-tools i386 rpms from Theo Van Dinter's site.
Most of the commands in this section should be performed by the root user. The following packages are the ones for Redhat 7.x; if you're using another distribution, see the spamassassin rpm site.
cd ~ mkdir spamassassin cd spamassassin wget wget wget wget
Before we can install these, we need to get some perl modules. Many of these will be right on your vendor's CD; the remainder should be at Theo's supplementary RPM site.
#For Redhat 7.2 rsync -av . rsync -av . #For Redhat 7.3 rsync -av . rsync -av .
Now we install the Spamassassin RPMs:
rpm -Uvh perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-*.i386.rpm spamassassin-*.i386.rpm perl-HTML-Parser-*.i386.rpm perl-HTML-Tagset-*.i386.rpm perl-Net-DNS-*.noarch.rpm
On RedHat 7.2, you may need to add --nodeps if rpm complains of a missing perl(HTML::Parser); the perl-HTML-Parser obviously provides this resource but doesn't appear to correctly declare so.
To avoid the overhead of starting a fresh copy of perl each time a new mail message comes in, there's a background daemon called spamd that holds most of the spam scoring code. Let's start that up:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/spamassassin start
To check that it's running, try:
[root@slartibartfast spamassassin]# netstat -anp | grep spamd tcp 0 0* LISTEN 4753/spamd -d -c -a unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 5988777 4753/spamd -d -c -a
This says that spamd is running under PID 4753 - your PID will differ. It's listening on a Unix socket and TCP port 783 but only for connections coming from localhost.
Note that we don't have to do anything about making it start on next boot as the RPM has done that for us. If you're not using rpms, use whatever approach is appropriate for starting a given service in your default runlevel; you may need to run tools like ntsysv or chkconfig or may need to rename a file in /etc/rc3.d or /etc/rc5.d .
To demonstrate, I'll do all the following with a bogus user called "spamtest", which I'll add now as root.
adduser spamtest
The following steps will need to be taken for each person that would like their mail filtered; substitute the correct username everywhere you see spamtest. Everything from this point on is done as the user for whom we're filtering mail.
su - spamtest cd ~ mkdir .spamassassin cd .spamassassin cp -p /usr/share/spamassassin/user_prefs.template user_prefs cat <<EOF >>user_prefs rewrite_subject 1 report_header 1 use_terse_report 1 defang_mime 0 report_safe 0 use_bayes 1 auto_learn 1 ok_locales en EOF
All of the configuration options between cat and EOF will be added to user_prefs by the cat command. See "perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf" for more info on these settings.
Let's see if spamassassin's working before we go on:
spamc -R </usr/share/doc/spamassassin-*/sample-nonspam.txt -6.3/5.0 * -6.3 -- Contains a PGP-signed message spamc -R </usr/share/doc/spamassassin-*/sample-spam.txt 8.4/5.0 * 0.7 -- From: does not include a real name * 0.6 -- Invalid Date: header (not RFC 2822) * 1.4 -- Valid-looking To "undisclosed-recipients" * 1.5 -- BODY: Information on how to work at home (2) * 1.5 -- BODY: Drastically Reduced * 0.8 -- BODY: List removal information * 0.7 -- BODY: Once in a lifetime, apparently * 0.2 -- Date: is 12 to 24 hours before Received: date * 0.6 -- RBL: Received via a relay in [RBL check: found, type:] * 0.4 -- Message-Id is not valid, according to RFC 2822
When the nonspam message is fed in to spamc, spamc hands the text off to spamd which calculates the actual spam score. Because it has no spam characteristics it has no plus points, but a -6.3 because it's a PGP signed message. The final score is a -6.3, far below the needed 5.0 to categorize it as spam.
The second message has a bunch of spam characteristics. None, by themselves, are enough to categorize it as spam, but together they give it a score of 8.4.
If you don't something like this output (format and exact score may vary, that's OK) for the two test messages, you should take the time to figure out why before going on.
Now that spamc is correctly identifying mail, lets set up the spamtest user to actually use it and filter mail.
cd ~ mkdir .procmail touch .procmail/proclog mkdir mail touch mail/mbox
We need to create a .procmailrc file in /home/spamtest . If the user doesn't already have one, here are some suggested starting points. If the user does have one, add the lines between "#Spamasssassin start" and "#Spamassassin end" from the appropriate example to their existing file.
If the user gets their mail from this machine via IMAP or POP:
SHELL=/bin/sh PATH=/bin:/usr/bin PMDIR=$HOME/.procmail LOGABSTRACT=all MAILDIR=$HOME/mail #you'd better make sure it exists LOGFILE=$PMDIR/proclog #recommended VERBOSE=off #Spamassassin start :0fw: spamassassin.lock | /usr/bin/spamc #Spamassassin end
In the above example, procmail sends the message through spamc for scoring and changing the headers like Subject if it is a spam, but the message is allowed to pass straight through to its original destination (usually /var/spool/mail/spamtest). This one folder is the IMAP INBOX.
The spam messages can now be moved from folder to folder inside the user's mailreader; this job is made easier by the modified Subject line and the X-Spam-Status and X-Spam-Level headers - read on for more detail.
If the user reads their mail right on this machine (say, with pine) use this .procmailrc instead:
SHELL=/bin/sh PATH=/bin:/usr/bin PMDIR=$HOME/.procmail LOGABSTRACT=all MAILDIR=$HOME/mail #you'd better make sure it exists LOGFILE=$PMDIR/proclog #recommended VERBOSE=off DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/mbox #Mailing list start #If you subscribe to any mailing lists, you might want to filter them off first: :0: * ^X-BeenThere: dshield :0: * ^X-BeenThere: uml-devel #Mailing list end #Spamassassin start :0fw: spamassassin.lock | /usr/bin/spamc :0: * ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* spam10 :0: * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes spamassassin-spam #Spamassassin end
A little explanation is needed. The first block sets up environment variables for use in the rest of the file.
The "mailing list" block is optional. If you're subscribed to mailing lists and want to have them sent off to different folders automatically, find a line in the header that identifies the list. "X-BeenThere:" is most commonly used, but "Errors-To:", "List-Id:", "Mailing-List:", "Reply-To:", "Sender:", and "X-Loop:" are other good ones to look for.
The spamassassin block is where we finally get some useful spam filtering. The first rule (the ":0fw: spamassassin.lock" and "| /usr/bin/spamc" lines) feed the entire message off to spamc, which hands it off to spamd for spam score calculation. spamd also adds and/or modifies headers to indicate that the message is spam; in particular, it adds a "X-Spam-Status: Yes" header for any messages with a spam score 5.0 or above, and it also adds a "X-Spam-Level: *******" with the number of asterisks equal to the integer part of the score. In other words, a spam with a score of 8.3 would get a "X-Spam-Level: ********" header.
We use the X-Spam-Level header to in effect give us two cutoffs; 5.0 and 10.0. Those with a score 10.0 and higher get relegated to a different folder, one that we don't need to check as often, or depending in your needs, at all. These are the ones that are almost certainly spam with very little chance of false positives. With those out of the way, we can send all the remaining spams (with scores between 5.0 and 9.9) to the spamassassin-spam folder. This one should probably be checked from time to time as some messages may be incorrectly identified as spam.
As a side note, if the message doesn't match either test, we have no more procmail rules in this file to specify what to do with it. In that case, the message is sent to the mail folder specified in the DEFAULT variable; in this case, /home/spamtest/mail/mbox .
With this file in place, send a test message to The messages should show up in /home/spamtest/mail/mbox with minimal headers saying that the message score is less than 5 and should not include the "X-Spam-Status: Yes" or "X-Spam-Level: **..." headers.
Now bounce a spam message you've received to . If the spam score is high it should show up in /home/spamtest/mail/spam10 . If the score is between 5 and 9.9, it should show up in /home/spamtest/mail/spamassassin-spam .
If this didn't work, go back and find out why. That's why we do this with a test user that won't get angry if mail is lost. :-) Some files that may help in the query will be /var/log/maillog and /home/spamtest/.procmail/proclog ; these may tell you where the mail was sent and possibly even why. With the three test messages I sent, proclog shows where they went:
From Sun Mar 23 21:55:00 2003 Subject: quick check Folder: /home/spamtest/mail/mbox 1569 From Sun Mar 23 21:56:02 2003 Subject: *****SPAM***** wow em this summer...start now Folder: spamassassin-spam 3299 From Sun Mar 23 21:58:07 2003 Subject: *****SPAM***** Earn great money from home! DVCMXNI Folder: spam10 10863
While you're investigating any problems, you may wish to temporarily restore the user's original .procmailrc or simply rename this new one to something else so that more incoming mail is not misdirected.
At this point, I'm going to leave you to set up your users using this approach. Many of the checks are automatically working, including the Auto-Whitelist and Bayesian filtering, although both could be helped if you explicitly feed them known ham and spam (in fact, the bayesian filtering will hold off actively influencing the score until it has a thousand hams and spams; see the autoreporting section for more info on how to train it). Razor2 is an excellent addition, and will probably show up in a future version of this article. The RBL checks should be working as well; some of your messages should include lines like the following in their headers:
* 0.6 -- RBL: Received via a relay in [RBL check: found, type:]
With spamassassin in place, your users' mail should now be automatically filtered into folders. They still get just as much, but it's not a constant interruption. By filtering into "almost certainly spam" and "probably spam" folders, you actually have cut down on the number of messages to which your users have to actively pay attention. I've spent quite a bit of time teaching my spamassassin installation about known spam and ham, so I feel comfortable making the second cutoff at 8.0 (spams with a score higher than this I won't look at at all, but they're still available if I later find out that something was misclassified). This means I never look at 78% of the incoming spam, changing my yearly spam week into a yearly spam day.
And I figure I can spend my 4 free days this year writing a spam filtering article for you. :-)
By adding lines such as:
blacklist_from blacklist_from * blacklist_from * blacklist_from * blacklist_from * blacklist_from *@*
to /etc/mail/spamassassin/ or ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs , you tell spamassassin that mail from any of these domains gets a +100 spam score, effectively blocking them. I'm compiling a list of spammer domains in a format you can cut and paste right into the spamassassin config files. The list, and a script that can be run from cron to automatically pull down and install the latest version, can be found at . The current version of the list is at . This list works for me, but you may wish to at least briefly look it over to see if it works for you.
Many thanks to everyone that has contributed blacklist entries.
If you want to make any user configuration options (like the above lines) apply to all spamassassin users, place them in /etc/mail/spamassassin/ .
The obvious next question is, "Can I just get spamassassin to process everyone's mail without having to mess with everyone's .procmailrc?" Obviously the answer's yes, or I wouldn't have asked the question. *grin*
Please make sure you have spamassassin working correctly for at least a test user before going for the Big Kahuna. Screwing up for all your mail users tends to hurt your chances for long-term employment. Also, you may want to test this on a secondary mailserver in high volume environments to make sure the additional load won't be a problem.
With the warnings out of the way, here's what we'll do. We're going to run spamc out of the system-wide procmail configuration file, /etc/procmailrc . Requests made in here are performed for all locally delivered messages.
Set up a conservative set of configuration choices in /etc/mail/spamassassin/ . In particular, it might be a good idea to raise the default cutoff for spam to 8.0, at least initially. If everything works and you're not getting any false positives in a week, lower it to 7, and then 6.5 or 6 a week later. This gives the AWL and bayes databases a chance to learn a bit before they're really crucial.
required_hits 8 rewrite_subject 1 report_header 1 use_terse_report 1 defang_mime 0 report_safe 0 use_bayes 1 auto_learn 1 ok_locales en
With those settings in place, restart spamd with:
/etc/init.d/spamassassin restart
Now tell procmail to run spamc on everyone's mail. Add these to /etc/procmailrc :
DROPPRIVS=yes :0fw | /usr/bin/spamc
Finally, remove the ":0fw" and "| /usr/bin/spamc" lines from everyone's individual /home/{user}/.procmailrc files. The scoring and header changes were done when the message first passed through /etc/procmailrc; the custom requests like "filter all messages with a score of 10 or higher into this folder" still need to get done locally in /home/{user}/.procmailrc .
If you have a small number of users that specifically don't want their spam filtered, add a line like the following for each user or domain to /etc/mail/spamassassin/ :all_spam_to all_spam_to *
For a mail setup like the above, you may want to provide an easy way for users to report spam and ham messages, especially ones that spamassassin misidentified. What we'll do is provide one email account that accepts mail from your users that is definitely spam, and another email account that accepts verified ham; both register the sender email address and tokens in the automatic whitelist and bayes databases.
This is not as effective as having everyone maintain their own databases, but it requires less effort; having a few people send off their spam and ham provides some benefit for all.
First we need to start using shared awl and whitelist databases so that what we submit to the system is used by everyone's mail filters.
adduser sharedspam mkdir /home/sharedspam/.spamassassin/ chmod 755 /home/sharedspam chmod 777 /home/sharedspam/.spamassassin/ #There's probably a safer way to do this. touch /home/sharedspam/.spamassassin/user_prefs chmod 644 /home/sharedspam/.spamassassin/user_prefs touch /home/sharedspam/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist chmod 666 /home/sharedspam/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist
Add the following to /etc/mail/spamassassin/ . The "bayes_ignore_header" lines tell the bayesian filtering code to ignore the headers your users' mail apps will add in bouncing the message.
bayes_path /home/sharedspam/.spamassassin/bayes auto_whitelist_path /home/sharedspam/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist bayes_file_mode 777 auto_whitelist_file_mode 777 use_bayes 1 auto_learn 1 bayes_ignore_header ReSent-Date bayes_ignore_header ReSent-From bayes_ignore_header ReSent-Message-ID bayes_ignore_header ReSent-Subject bayes_ignore_header ReSent-To bayes_ignore_header Resent-Date bayes_ignore_header Resent-From bayes_ignore_header Resent-Message-ID bayes_ignore_header Resent-Subject bayes_ignore_header Resent-To
and restart spamd:
/etc/init.d/spamassassin restart
Now let's add the accounts to which your users will send the spam and ham:
adduser spamtrap cd /home/spamtrap ln -sf ../sharedspam/.spamassassin .spamassassin mkdir mail .procmail chown spamtrap.spamtrap mail .procmail adduser hamtrap cd /home/hamtrap ln -sf ../sharedspam/.spamassassin .spamassassin mkdir mail .procmail chown hamtrap.hamtrap mail .procmail
Here's what we put in /home/spamtrap/.procmailrc :
SHELL=/bin/sh PATH=/bin:/usr/bin PMDIR=$HOME/.procmail LOGABSTRACT=all MAILDIR=$HOME/mail #you'd better make sure it exists LOGFILE=$PMDIR/proclog #recommended VERBOSE=off #Spamassassin start :0 * > 256000 toobigtoreport :0c: spamassassin.lock | /usr/bin/spamassassin -r -d -a :0: learned-spam #Spamassassin end
And here's what we put in /home/hamtrap/.procmailrc :
SHELL=/bin/sh PATH=/bin:/usr/bin PMDIR=$HOME/.procmail LOGABSTRACT=all MAILDIR=$HOME/mail #you'd better make sure it exists LOGFILE=$PMDIR/proclog #recommended VERBOSE=off #Spamassassin start :0 * > 256000 toobigtoreport :0c: spamassassin.lock | /usr/bin/sa-learn --ham --single --local #:0: #learned-ham #Spamassassin end
There are two major differences in the above files:
command will do all we'd like it to: submit the signatures of
the messages to the online Razor, Pyzor, and DCC databases if we have
those configured, and update both the local AWL and Bayesian databases.
However, when a user submits ham, I personally don't want any chance
that the body of that message will leave my network. For that reason, I
suggest using sa-learn --local
, which will only update
local databases.
Once this is set up, ask some of your users to bounce (not forward, bounce; see the next section) some messages they are sure are spam to and some messages they are sure are ham to The source email addresses will be registered in the auto-whitelist database as known spammers or legitimate senders, depending on to which address the mail was sent. Likewise, the tokens in the mail will be registered as spammy or hammy, again, depending on which trap was used.
Try to get at least 1000 spams and 1000 hams into the system. Get messages of different types from different users. Encourage your users to submit, at the very least, messages that spamassassin has misclassified.
Note that if they forward messages to spamtrap@, sa-learn will remember the user's email address - not the original spammer's - in the blacklist, so remind them to use the bounce feature.
As one last bit of harmless fun, try putting the address up on your web site, with warnings around it like "Please do not send any mail to this address; it's part of an email harvesting study.". Automated tools that search web pages for email addresses may find the spamtrap address, add it to their list of recipients, and start sending spam to it - instantly reporting themselves to the spam databases.
One concern is that someone could poison our AWL and Bayes databases if they sent spams to the hamtrap or hams to the spamtrap. Lets put in some simple access controls to only allow certain people to train Spamassassin.
Here's the new version of /home/hamtrap/.procmailrc :
SHELL=/bin/sh PATH=/bin:/usr/bin PMDIR=$HOME/.procmail LOGABSTRACT=all MAILDIR=$HOME/mail #you'd better make sure it exists LOGFILE=$PMDIR/proclog #recommended VERBOSE=off #Spamassassin start :0 * > 256000 toobigtoreport :0c: spamassassin.lock * ^ReSent-From: William Stearns <> * ^ReSent-Message-ID: <Mutt.*> | /usr/bin/sa-learn --ham --single --local #:0: #* ^ReSent-From: William Stearns <> #* ^ReSent-Message-ID: <Mutt.*> #learned-ham :0c: spamassassin.lock * ^ReSent-From: Fred Parker <> * ^ReSent-Message-ID: <Mutt.*> | /usr/bin/sa-learn --ham --single --local #:0: #* ^ReSent-From: Fred Parker <> #* ^ReSent-Message-ID: <Mutt.*> #learned-ham :0: unauthorized #Spamassassin end
We've added "ReSent" lines to the sa-learn and learned-ham stanzas, added a second copy of these to allow Fred to submit as well, and added a new unauthorized stanza. When I send in mail, procmail sees that it came from my email address and has a message ID my mail program would legitimately have added, so this message is learned as ham. Likewise, mail from Fred gets learned as ham.
When someone other than Fred or I tries to send mail to this address, procmail simply files it in the "unauthorized" folder. You should check this folder every once in a while to see if someone is - legitimately or not - trying to teach your Spamassassin install.
The easiest way to figure out what headers to use (the "ReSent" lines, above), simply start off with no stanzas at all except for the ":0: unauthorized" one. Bounce a message into the system and look at the headers of the message. Now create the sa-learn and learned-ham stanzas for this user, pasting in the ReSent-From header as is. You'll need to modify the ReSent-Message-ID line as this is a unique string for every new message. Replace the ID portion of:
ReSent-Message-ID: <>
with ".*", ending up with:
ReSent-Message-ID: <Mutt.*>
Don't forget to modify the .procmailrc for both the hamtrap and spamtrap.
This is not perfect security; someone could forge your headers and sneak messages into your traps. However, this is sufficient to stop dictionary attacks. Also, if you're trying the "email harvesting study" fun in the last section, you can't use the above filtering on the spamtrap address.
As I've mentioned, forwarding mail into a spamtrap registers your email address as being a spam source; not good. Instead, we want to use the redirect or bounce feature available in a number of mail programs.
Many thanks to all the contributors, listed in parentheses.For multiple messages, select all the messages you'd like to bounce with either ":" to select them one at a time, or ";" to select multiple messages by message number, subject, body text, etc. Once selected, press "a", then "b" to Apply the Bounce command to all of them. Enter the target email address. Once done, press ";", then "a" to Unselect All selected messages.
More info can be found at:
Once you've identified a spam, you may wish to take the time to report it to agencies that have the authority to investigate. Here are some suggestions of where to bounce those messages.
The above approach works fine for new mail, but what about mail that a user has already received?
If that mail is in an imap folder, you're in luck. Roger Binns has written IMAP Spam Begone to reprocess mail that is already in an IMAP folder.
There are a couple of assumptions:
./ --imaphost --imapinbox /path/to/your/inbox --spaminbox /path/to/your/spam/folder --delete --expunge
./ --imaphost --imapinbox /var/spool/mail/joeblow --spaminbox /home/joeblow/mail/ilovespam --delete --expunge
It will prompt you for your imap password, then it will go through the inbox you specified (which may take awhile), and then report what it found -- something like:
4 spams found in 6 messages
The --delete command marks the messages for deletion from your inbox. The --expunge option used in conjunction with --delete will cause the marked messages to be actually removed from inbox (they will still be in ilovespam though).
isbg is smart, and will only look through messages it hasn't seen before (i.e., it won't go through your ENTIRE inbox each time -- only new messages will be scanned.) It does this via imap's use of unique message ids.
If you run isbg with the --savepw option the first time, it will remember your imap password (saved on disk in an obfuscated way) such that you can then make a cron job to run the script automatically.
Because the isbg script and spamassassin can run on a machine other than the mailserver, this approach can be used to filter mail on a remote IMAP mailserver that may not be able to run Spamassassin directly.
The Spamassassin team - and that includes anyone that has contributed to it - gets 2 thumbs up from me for an excellent tool! This is the first spam filtering tool I've used that I feel confident is doing an accurate job of identifying and filtering the spam onslaught.
Bill Stearns wrote the main text of the article. Marion Bates contributed the section on ISBG. Both Marion and Drew Como were kind enough to review an early draft of this article. Dave Goldsmith, Brian Corcoran, Erik Wheeler, Johannes Ullrich, Marion Bates, and Alex Bates helped with the "How to redirect mail" section. Matt, sargon, Steve, Alan, Lee, and Ross submitted email domains for the manual blacklist project.
The spammers were kind enough to contribute the spam. .
William is an Open-Source developer, enthusiast, and advocate from New Hampshire, USA. His day job at SANS pays him to work on network security and Linux projects.
This article is Copyright 2003, William Stearns <>.