%define version 0.6.0 Name: freedups Summary: Hardlinks identical files to save space. Version: %{version} Release: 0 Copyright: GPL Packager: William Stearns Group: Applications/File Source: ftp://ftp.stearns.org/pub/freedups-%{version}.tar.gz Prereq: perl perl(File::Find) perl(File::Compare) perl(File::Basename) perl(File::stat) perl(Digest::MD5) perl(IO::File) perl(Getopt::Long) Buildarch: noarch Vendor: William Stearns URL: http://www.stearns.org/freedups/ BuildRoot: /tmp/freedups-broot %description Freedups hardlinks identical files to save space. For files that are generally read from and not written to, this can provide a significant space savings with no performance degredation. In fact, in a small number of cases, this can speed up the system. %prep %setup %install if [ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" = "/tmp/freedups-broot" ]; then rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin cp -p freedups.pl $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/freedups else echo Invalid Build root exit 1 fi %clean if [ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" = "/tmp/freedups-broot" ]; then rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT else echo Invalid Build root exit 1 fi %files %defattr(-,root,root) %attr(755,root,root) /usr/bin/freedups %doc README ChangeLog %changelog * Mon Dec 9 2002 William Stearns - Updated source to 0.6.0 * Mon Dec 9 2002 William Stearns - Updated source to 0.5.9 * Sat Nov 30 2002 William Stearns - Updated source to 0.5.8 * Thu Nov 28 2002 William Stearns - Updated source to 0.5.7, switch over to perl * Wed May 09 2001 William Stearns - Updated source to 0.4, md5sum prereq. * Sun Mar 11 2001 William Stearns - Updated source to 0.3, updated prerequisites. * Fri Mar 02 2001 William Stearns - Updated source to 0.2.1, minor specfile updates. * Tue Feb 27 2001 William Stearns - v0.2 First beta release for comment.