# $Id: gkrellm-plugins.spec,v 1.13 2002/11/28 19:45:42 dude Exp $ %define gkplugindir %{_libdir}/gkrellm2/plugins %define weatherver 2.0.4 %define xmmsver 2.1.5 %define setiver 0.7.0b %define dnetver 0.11pre1 %define volumever 2.1.6 %define mailwatchver 2.0 #define snmpver 0.18 %define radiover 2.0.1 %define wirelessver 2.0.1 #define earthver 0.3 %define aclockver 0.3.2 %define kamver 2.0.0 #define newsver 0.3 #define reminderver 0.3.5 %define moonver 0.5 #define innver 0.5-1 #define logwatchver 1.0 %define acpiver 0.5 #define mousever 0.0.2 %define multipingver 2.0.1 #define whover 0.4 %define x86ver 0.0.2 %define ssver 2.3 #define gnomever 0.1 #define consolever 0.1.2 #define taskmanver 0.0.7 %define shootver 0.4.1 #define gammaver 0.0.3 %define flynnver 0.6 Summary: Some neat plugins for GKrellM. Name: gkrellm-plugins Version: 2.1.0 Release: fr5 Epoch: 2 License: GPL Group: Applications/System Source0: http://kmlinux.fjfi.cvut.cz/~makovick/gkrellm/gkrellweather-%{weatherver}.tgz Source1: http://gkrellm.luon.net/files/gkrellmms-%{xmmsver}.tar.gz Source2: http://xavier.serpaggi.free.fr/seti/seti-%{setiver}.tar.bz2 Source3: http://www.tuxfan.net/gkrelldnet-%{dnetver}.tar.gz Source4: http://gkrellm.luon.net/files/gkrellm-volume-%{volumever}.tar.gz Source5: http://gkrellm.luon.net/files/gkrellm-mailwatch-%{mailwatchver}.tar.gz #Source6: http://triq.net/gkrellm/gkrellm_snmp-%{snmpver}.tar.gz Source7: http://gkrellm.luon.net/files/gkrellm-radio-%{radiover}.tar.gz Source8: http://gkrellm.luon.net/files/gkrellmwireless-%{wirelessver}.tar.gz #Source9: http://www.geocities.com/saintdead/earth_anim-%{earthver}.tar.gz Source10: http://www.geocities.com/m_muthukumar/gkrellaclock-%{aclockver}.tar.gz Source11: http://download.sf.net/gkrellkam/gkrellkam_%{kamver}.tar.gz #Source12: http://download.sf.net/gk-newsticker/gkrellm-newsticker-%{newsver}.tar.gz #Source13: http://www.engr.orst.edu/~simonsen/reminder/reminder-%{reminderver}.tar.gz Source14: http://download.sf.net/gkrellmoon/gkrellmoon-%{moonver}.tar.gz #Source15: http://download.alcove-labs.org/addons/gkrinn/gkrinn_%{innver}.tar.gz #Source16: http://www.uberh4x0r.org/download/gkrellm/glogwatch-%{logwatchver}.tar.gz Source17: http://uname.dyndns.org/~uname/files/gkacpi/gkacpi-%{acpiver}.tar.gz #Source18: http://ssl.usu.edu/paul/gkrellmouse/gkrellmouse_%{mousever}.tar.gz Source19: http://kmlinux.fjfi.cvut.cz/~makovick/gkrellm/gkrellm-multiping-%{multipingver}.tgz #Source20: http://web.wt.net/~billw/gkrellm/Plugins/gkrellmwho-%{whover}.tar.gz Source21: http://anchois.free.fr/gkx86info%{x86ver}.tar.gz Source22: http://web.wt.net/~billw/gkrellmss/gkrellmss-%{ssver}.tar.gz #Source23: http://web.wt.net/~billw/gkrellm/Plugins/gkrellm-gnome.tar.gz #Source24: http://gkrellm.luon.net/files/consolewatch-%{consolever}.tar.gz #Source25: http://members.dingoblue.net.au/~gefdavis/gktaskman/files/gktaskman-%{taskmanver}.tar.gz Source26: http://download.sf.net/gkrellshoot/gkrellshoot-%{shootver}.tar.gz #Source27: http://gthiemonge.free.fr/gkrellm-gamma/gkrellm-gamma-%{gammaver}.tar.bz2 Source28: http://horus.comlab.uni-rostock.de/flynn/gkrellflynn-%{flynnver}.tar.gz Patch0: http://xavier.serpaggi.free.fr/seti/seti-0.7.0b-gkrellm2.diff URL: http://freshrpms.net/ BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root # xmms needs GTK 1 BuildRequires: gkrellm-devel >= 2.0, gtk2-devel, gtk+-devel, xmms-devel, perl BuildRequires: fftw-devel, esound-devel #BuildRequires: imlib-devel #BuildRequires: curl-devel, ucd-snmp-devel, openssl-devel, gnome-libs-devel #BuildRequires: db1-devel %description This is a "previously small but now bigger and bigger" ;-) collection of plugins for GKrellM, the GNU Krell Monitor. %package media Summary: Multimedia plugins for GKrellM. Group: Applications/System Requires: gkrellm >= 2.1.0, xmms, esound, fftw Obsoletes: gkrellm-xmms, gkrellm-volume, gkrellm-radio # gamma correction %description media This package contains the following multimedia plugins for GKrellM, the GNU Krell Monitor : xmms, volume, radio and esd meter. %package misc Summary: Amusement and miscellaneous plugins for GKrellM. Group: Applications/System Requires: gkrellm >= 2.1.0 Requires: perl(LWP::UserAgent) #Requires: curl Obsoletes: gkrellm-dnet Obsoletes: gkrellm-seti # mouse odometer, earth animation, news ticker, todo list %description misc This package contains the following amusements plugins for GKrellM, the GNU Krell Monitor : Seti@HOME, distributed.net, weather, moon clock, analog clock, gkrellkam and Flynn. %package utils Summary: System and network utility plugins for GKrellM. Group: Applications/System Requires: gkrellm >= 2.1.0, ImageMagick Obsoletes: gkrellm-mailwatch, gkrellm-wireless # news monitor, logwatch, who, console watch, reminder %description utils This package contains the following utility plugins for GKrellM, the GNU Krell Monitor : ACPI monitor, mail watch, wireless network monitor, multi ping utility, x86 cpu speed and screenshot/lock. #%package snmp #Summary: An snmp monitoring plugin for GKrellM. #Group: Applications/System #Requires: gkrellm >= 2.1.0, ucd-snmp #Obsoletes: gkrellm-snmp #%description snmp #This is a snmp monitoring plugin for GKrellM, the GNU Krell Monitor. #%package gnome #Summary: An plugin for easily setting up GNOME to use GKrellM. #Group: Applications/System #Requires: gkrellm >= 2.1.0, gnome-core #%description gnome #This is just a configuration plugin for GkrellM that lets you easily #configure GNOME to use GkrellM without having to edit startup scripts #and so on yourself. %prep %setup -q -T -a0 -a1 -a2 -a3 -a4 -a5 -a7 -a8 -a10 -a11 -a14 -a17 -a19 -a21 -a22 -a26 -a28 -c %{name}-%{version} # -a6 -a9 -a12 -a13 -a15 -a16 -a18 -a20 -a23 -a24 -a25 -a27 %patch0 -p0 perl -pi -e \ 's|/usr/.+/GrabWeather|%{_bindir}/GrabWeather|' \ gkrellweather-%{weatherver}/gkrellweather.c %build mkdir plugins # No configure macro here, hence manual exports... CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ; export CFLAGS CXXFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ; export CXXFLAGS ( cd gkrellweather-%{weatherver} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ; cp GrabWeather .. ) # gkrellmms contains locales, skipping them for now. ( cd gkrellmms ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) ( cd seti-%{setiver} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) ( cd gkrelldnet-%{dnetver} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ; cp dnetw .. ) # volume plugin contains locales, skipping them for now. ( cd gkrellm-volume ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) ( cd gkrellm-mailwatch ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) #( cd gkrellm_snmp-%{snmpver} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) ( cd gkrellm-radio ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) ( cd gkrellmwireless ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) #( cd earth_anim ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) ( cd gkrellAclock-%{aclockver} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) ( cd gkrellkam-%{kamver} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ; mv *.5 .. ) #( cd gkrellm-newsticker ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) #( cd reminder-%{reminderver} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) ( cd gkrellmoon-%{moonver} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) #( cd gkrinn ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) #( cd glogwatch-%{logwatchver} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) ( cd gkacpi-%{acpiver} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) #( cd gkrellmouse-%{mousever} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) #( cd gkrellm-multiping-%{multipingver} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ; cp pinger .. ) #( cd gkrellmwho-%{whover} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) ( cd gkx86info%{x86ver} ; ./build ; mv *.so ../plugins ) ( cd gkrellmss-%{ssver} ; make ; mv src/*.so ../plugins ) #( cd gkrellm-gnome ; make ; mv src/*.so ../plugins ) #( cd gkrellm-consolewatch-%{consolever} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) #( cd gktaskman ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) ( cd gkrellShoot-%{shootver} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) #( cd gkrellm-gamma-%{gammaver} ; make ; mv *.so ../plugins ) ( cd gkrellflynn-%{flynnver} ; make gkrellm2 ; mv *.so ../plugins ) %install rm -rf %{buildroot} mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gkplugindir} install -m 755 plugins/* %{buildroot}%{gkplugindir} mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir} install -m 755 dnetw %{buildroot}%{_bindir} install -m 755 GrabWeather %{buildroot}%{_bindir} #install -m 755 pinger %{buildroot}%{gkplugindir} mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man5 # There may be dirs ending with .5 ... install -m 644 `find . -type f -name "*.5"` %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man5 %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files media %defattr(-, root, root) %{gkplugindir}/gkrellmms.so %{gkplugindir}/volume.so %{gkplugindir}/radio.so %{gkplugindir}/gkrellmss.so #%{gkplugindir}/gkrellm-gamma.so %files misc %defattr(-, root, root) %{gkplugindir}/seti.so %{gkplugindir}/gkrelldnet.so %{_bindir}/dnetw #%{gkplugindir}/newsticker.so %{gkplugindir}/gkrellmoon.so #%{gkplugindir}/gkmouse.so #%{gkplugindir}/earth_anim.so %{gkplugindir}/gkrellaclock.so %{gkplugindir}/gkrellweather.so %{_bindir}/GrabWeather %{gkplugindir}/gkrellkam2.so %{_mandir}/man5/gkrellkam* #%{gkplugindir}/taskman.so %{gkplugindir}/gkrellflynn.so %files utils %defattr(-, root, root) %{gkplugindir}/mailwatch.so %{gkplugindir}/wireless.so #%{gkplugindir}/reminder.so #%{gkplugindir}/gkrinn.so #%{gkplugindir}/glogwatch.so %{gkplugindir}/gkacpi.so #%{gkplugindir}/multiping.so #%{gkplugindir}/pinger #%{gkplugindir}/gkrellmwho.so %{gkplugindir}/gkx86info.so #%{gkplugindir}/consolewatch.so %{gkplugindir}/gkrellshoot.so #%files snmp #%defattr(-, root, root) #%{gkplugindir}/gkrellm_snmp.so #%files gnome #%defattr(-, root, root) #%{gkplugindir}/gkrellm-gnome.so %changelog * Thu Nov 28 2002 Matthias Saou - Updated gkrellmms to 2.1.5. * Wed Nov 20 2002 Ville Skyttä - 2:2.1.0-fr5 - Updated gkrellweather, gkrellmms, gkrellmwireless and volume plugins. * Tue Oct 29 2002 Matthias Saou - Added gkrellm2 versions of gkrellmkam, gkx86 and gkrellmoon. * Mon Oct 21 2002 Matthias Saou - Re-added gkrellmss, I missed that one! - Replaced gkrellmPing by multiping (deactivated, bad binary search path!). - Added Flynn ;-) * Sat Oct 19 2002 Ville Skyttä 2:2.1.0-fr2 - Re-added GkrellWeather. * Fri Oct 11 2002 Ville Skyttä 2:2.1.0-fr1 - Re-added GkACPI. - Rebuild with GKrellM 2.1.0. * Wed Oct 9 2002 Ville Skyttä 2:2.0.4-fr2 - Re-added SETI@Home, built with patch from the author homepage. * Sun Oct 6 2002 Ville Skyttä 2:2.0.4-fr1 - Rebuild with Red Hat 8.0 and GKrellM 2.0.4. - Update aclock, gkrelldnet, gkrellmms, volume, mailwatch, wireless, radio and gkrellshoot. - Remove acpi, gkrinn, gamma, ping, mouse, snmp, gkrellmss, earth_anim, logwatch, seti, who, gnome, consolewatch, moon clock, newsticker, gkrellkam, reminder, x86info, taskman and weather for now (they don't build with 2.0 or have missing requirements). * Wed Jul 31 2002 Ville Skyttä 2:1.2.13-fr1 - Updated gkacpi, gkrelldnet, gkrellshoot, gkrellm-radio, gkrellmms and consolewatch. - Added gamma. - Removed gkrellmms patch, no longer needed. - Fixed incorrect note about gkrellmss in changelog of 1.2.11-fr1. - Use $RPM_OPT_FLAGS when compiling. - BuildRequires gtk+-devel and db1-devel. - Rebuilt with GKrellM 1.2.13. * Fri May 3 2002 Matthias Saou - Rebuilt against Red Hat Linux 7.3. * Tue Apr 2 2002 Ville Skyttä 1.2.11-fr1 - Added Gk-Taskman and GKrellShoot. - Added a patch for gkrellmms to make it compile with 1.2.11. - Updated aclock, gkrellkam, gkrellm-newsticker, radio, reminder and seti. - Didn't update gkrellmss because 0.4 would require fftw, which we don't have. - Rebuilt with GKrellM 1.2.11. * Tue Jan 8 2002 Ville Skyttä - Updated seven plugins : seti, gkrelldnet, mailwatch, gkrellm-radio, gkrellkam, gkrellm-newsticker and reminder. - GKrellKam now actually belongs to a package (misc) :) - Added missing requirements for gnome, newsticker and snmp. - Rebuilt with GKrellM 1.2.8 * Fri Oct 12 2001 Matthias Saou - Updated at last! So many plugins were added that I've decided to now package into categories and not as individual RPMs any more. - New packages include : earth_anim, gkrellAclock, gkrellkam, newsticker, reminder, gkrellmoon, gkrinn, glogwatch, gkacpi, gkrellmouse, gkrellmPing, gkrellmwho, x86info, gkrellmss, gkrellm-gnome, consolewatch. - FIXME : Need to add the Gnome applet :-) * Fri Apr 20 2001 Matthias Saou - Updated five plugins : weather, dnet, mailwatch, snmp and radio. - Rebuilt for Red Hat 7.1. * Thu Feb 15 2001 Matthias Saou - Updated three plugins : dnetc, seti and snmp. - Added two plugins : radio and wireless. * Tue Jan 30 2001 Matthias Saou - Split all the plugins in individual packages. * Mon Jan 29 2001 Matthias Saou - Initial RPM release.