# Copyright (c) 2013, William Stearns # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the CloudPassage, Inc. nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CLOUDPASSAGE, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED ANDON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #Version 2.7 #======== Loadable modules require 'json' require 'oauth2' require 'rest-client' require 'resolv' require 'public_suffix' #======== End of Loadable modules #======== Local settings max_tries = 10 #======== End of local settings #======== Functions def api_live(api_host,timeout,open_timeout,token) zones_response_json = api_get("https://#{api_host}/v1/firewall_zones/",timeout,open_timeout,token) if zones_response_json['firewall_zones'].length == 0 $stderr.puts "Unable to make API calls; firewall zone array empty" return false else zones_response_json['firewall_zones'].each do |one_zone| if (one_zone['ip_address'] == '') and (one_zone['name'] == 'any') return true end end end $stderr.puts "Unable to make API calls; cannot locate zone named 'any'." return false end def get_group_names(api_host,timeout,open_timeout,token) group_names = { } groups_response_json = api_get("https://#{api_host}/v1/groups",timeout,open_timeout,token) groups_response_json['groups'].each do |one_group| group_names[one_group['id']] = one_group['name'] end return group_names end def api_delete (url,timeout,open_timeout,token) json_return = '' rest_handle = RestClient::Resource.new url, :timeout => timeout, :open_timeout => open_timeout, :headers => { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{token}" } begin result = rest_handle.delete rescue RestClient::RequestFailed => e $stderr.puts "While DELETE'ing #{url}" $stderr.puts "The request failed with HTTP status code #{e.response.code}" $stderr.puts "The body was:" $stderr.puts e.response.body end #error_string = process_return_code(result.code,result.body.to_str) #if error_string.length > 0 # $stderr.puts error_string # exit 1 #end if (result == nil) or (result.body == "") json_return = JSON '{ }' else json_return = JSON result.body end return json_return end def api_get (url,timeout,open_timeout,token) #======== Local settings max_tries = 10 #======== End of local settings json_return = '' error_count = 0 succeeded = false while (succeeded == false) and (error_count < max_tries) do rest_handle = RestClient::Resource.new url, :timeout => timeout, :open_timeout => open_timeout, :headers => { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{token}" } begin result = rest_handle.get succeeded = true #rescue RestClient::RequestFailed => e rescue => e $stderr.puts "While GET'ing #{url}" $stderr.puts "The request failed with HTTP status code #{e.response.code}" $stderr.puts "The body was:" $stderr.puts e.response.body error_count += 1 sleep(3) end end #error_string = process_return_code(result.code,result.body.to_str) #if error_string.length > 0 # $stderr.puts error_string # exit 1 #end #Debug - the following prints out the entire issues json block in pretty_printed format. #puts JSON.pretty_generate(JSON[result.body]); if (result == nil) or (result.body == "") json_return = JSON '{ }' else json_return = JSON result.body end return json_return end def api_put (url,timeout,open_timeout,token,payload) json_return = '' rest_handle = RestClient::Resource.new url, :timeout => timeout, :open_timeout => open_timeout, :headers => { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{token}", 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } begin result = rest_handle.put(payload) rescue RestClient::RequestFailed => e $stderr.puts "While PUT'ing #{url}" $stderr.puts "The request failed with HTTP status code #{e.response.code}" $stderr.puts "The body was:" $stderr.puts e.response.body end #if result.code == 403 # #Sadly, restclient aborts on a 403 so we never get to give this. # $stderr.puts "403 Forbidden returned; any chance that this is a read-only key?" #end #error_string = process_return_code(result.code,result.body.to_str) #if error_string.length > 0 # $stderr.puts error_string # exit 1 #end if (result == nil) or (result.body == "") json_return = JSON '{ }' else json_return = JSON result.body end return json_return end def api_post (url,timeout,open_timeout,token,payload) json_return = '' #$stderr.puts "URL: #{url}" #$stderr.puts "Payload: #{payload.inspect}" rest_handle = RestClient::Resource.new url, :timeout => timeout, :open_timeout => open_timeout, :headers => { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{token}", 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } begin result = rest_handle.post(payload) rescue RestClient::RequestFailed => e $stderr.puts "While POST'ing #{url}" $stderr.puts "The request failed with HTTP status code #{e.response.code}" $stderr.puts "The body was:" $stderr.puts e.response.body end #if result.code == 403 # #Sadly, restclient aborts on a 403 so we never get to give this. # $stderr.puts "403 Forbidden returned; any chance that this is a read-only key?" #end #error_string = process_return_code(result.code,result.body.to_str) #if error_string.length > 0 # $stderr.puts error_string # exit 1 #end if (result == nil) or (result.body == "") json_return = JSON '{ }' else json_return = JSON result.body end return json_return end def cached_api_get (url,timeout,open_timeout,token,api_client_id,api_cache_dir) json_return = '' dirty_filename = api_client_id + "-" + url clean_filename = api_cache_dir + "/" + dirty_filename.gsub(/[^a-z0-9\-]+/i, '_') + ".cache" #Check that url contains "/v1/events" before doing anything with cache. Expand if other cacheable api responses found. if url.to_s.match('/v1/events') and File.exists?(clean_filename) begin json_return = JSON.parse(File.read(clean_filename)) rescue $stderr.puts "Warning; unable to read #{clean_filename}." end end #If we don't have a cached answer for any reason, get one from the grid. if json_return.to_s.length == 0 json_return = api_get(url,timeout,open_timeout,token) #If this is a /events call, Save a copy if we don't already have one on disk if url.to_s.match('/v1/events') and ! File.exists?(clean_filename) and json_return['pagination'] != nil #We only want to cache complete (therefore non-terminal) pages. if json_return['pagination']['next'].to_s.length > 0 begin File.open(clean_filename, 'w') { |fo| fo.puts json_return.to_json } rescue $stderr.puts "Warning; unable to save to #{clean_filename}." end #else # print "Not caching last page." end end end return json_return end def get_parent_domain(ip_address,parent_domain) #Lookup in cache, if not there, perform a reverse lookup for parent domain domain_return = '' if parent_domain.has_key?(ip_address) domain_return = parent_domain[ip_address] else #Doesn't appear to be a working parser for Arin. Punt and use reverse dns. #result = Whois.query(ip_address) #property = result.parser #p property.domain one_host = '' begin one_host = Resolv.getname(ip_address) rescue #Ignore, reverse dns failed end if one_host.to_s.length == 0 domain_return = 'unknown' else domain_return = cleanup_parent_domain(PublicSuffix.parse(one_host).domain) parent_domain[ip_address] = domain_return #Debug #$stderr.puts ip_address, one_host, domain_return end end return domain_return end def cleanup_parent_domain(dirty_domain) #If one has domain(s) that should be replaced with a parent organization domain (like "gstatic.com" should be "google.com") do so here. case dirty_domain when 'cloud-ips.com' then 'rackspace.com' when 'myvzw.com' then 'verizonwireless.com' else dirty_domain end end def load_api_keys(api_key_file,api_secrets,api_hosts,default_host) #Note: api_secrets and api_hosts are modified and passed back as params #Remember the first ID; we'll use that if the user does not specify an ID first_id = "" begin File.open(api_key_file, "r") { |key_file_handle| key_file_line = key_file_handle.gets while (key_file_line != nil) do key_file_line.chomp! match_record = key_file_line.match(/^([0-9a-fA-F]{8}) *\| *([0-9a-fA-F]{32}) *\|? *([^# ]*)/) if match_record line_id = match_record[1] line_secret = match_record[2] line_host = match_record[3] api_secrets[line_id] = line_secret if line_host.to_s.length == 0 api_hosts[line_id] = default_host else api_hosts[line_id] = line_host end first_id = line_id if first_id == "" end key_file_line = key_file_handle.gets end key_file_handle.close } rescue $stderr.puts "IOError caught - #{api_key_file} doesn't exist or unreadable? Exiting." exit 1 end return first_id end def get_auth_token(api_client_id,api_client_secret,my_proxy,api_host) #Acquire a session key from the Halo Portal for use by the rest of this script client = OAuth2::Client.new(api_client_id, api_client_secret, :connection_opts => { :proxy => my_proxy }, :site => "https://#{api_host}", :token_url => '/oauth/access_token' ) #FIXME - check return code begin token = client.client_credentials.get_token.token rescue $stderr.puts "Unable to retrieve a token. Perhaps #{api_host} is inaccessible?" return '' end return token end def id_of_server(requested_name,requested_ip_address,api_host,token,timeout,open_timeout) if (requested_name.to_s.length == 0) and (requested_ip_address.to_s.length == 0) $stderr.puts "Neither requested_name nor requested_ip_address in id_of_server, exiting." exit 1 end servers_response_json = api_get("https://#{api_host}/v1/servers",timeout,open_timeout,token) servers_response_json['servers'].each do |one_server| if (requested_name.to_s.length > 0) if (one_server['hostname'] == requested_name) return one_server['id'] end elsif (requested_ip_address.to_s.length > 0) if (one_server['connecting_ip_address'] == requested_ip_address) return one_server['id'] end #Also loop through interface IP addresses and match on those. one_server['interfaces'].each do |one_interface| if (one_interface['ip_address'] == requested_ip_address) return one_server['id'] end end end end return nil end #FIXME - will need to update this to handle other types of api calls def process_return_code(retcode,details) case retcode when 200 then "" when 201 then "" when 204 then "" when 401 then "Unable to retrieve events; Unauthorized/#{retcode}, exiting." when 403 then "Unable to retrieve events; Forbidden/#{retcode}, exiting." when 404 then "Unable to retrieve events; Not found/#{retcode}, exiting. Details: #{details}" when 422 then "Unable to retrieve events; Validation failed/#{retcode}, exiting. Details: #{details}" when 500 then "Unable to retrieve events; Internal server error/#{retcode}, exiting. Details: #{details}" else "Unrecognized API return code: #{retcode}, exiting. Details: #{details}" end end def append_to_file(one_object,out_file,warnings) begin #create, or append existing file for write File.open(out_file, "a") { |jsonout_handle| jsonout_handle.puts one_object.inspect jsonout_handle.close } rescue warnings['no_json_write'] = "Unable to write json out to #{file} ; permissions?" end end #======== End of functions