#!/bin/bash #Copyright (c) 1999, William Stearns #Released under the GPL. #This script adds support for ipchains firewalls to the users of #firewalls created by the ipfwadm dotfile generator. It should be #run at each boot (as the user may boot either ipchains or ipfwadm kernels), #and after any changes are made to /etc/ppp/ipfw.dotfile. #Two points to John Hardin for writing the ipfwadm dotfile generator. See #ftp://ftp.rubyriver.com/pub/jhardin/ #for more information on this and other networking/firewall projects. #This script requires ipfwadm2ipchains, which can be found at #http://www.pobox.com/~wstearns/ipfwadm2ipchains/ . Place it in some #directory on your path. #Adjust the following as necessary to match your system. #Call /etc/ppp/firewall from /etc/ppp/ip-up. FWDIR="/etc/ppp" WALLLINK="firewall" WALLIPFWADM="ipfw.dotfile" WALLIPCHAINS="ipchains.dotfile" cd $FWDIR #When this script is run for the first time, we move "firewall" to #ipfw.dotfile so that firewall can be a symbolic link. if [ ! -L $WALLLINK ]; then mv -bf $WALLLINK $WALLIPFWADM fi #If the ipfwadm version of the firewall is newer than the ipchains version #(probably because the user updated the ipfwadm version), or the ipchains #version of the firewall doesn't exist at all, the ipchains version #is created from the ipchains version. if [ $WALLIPFWADM -nt $WALLIPCHAINS ] || [ ! -f $WALLIPCHAINS ]; then echo Converting dotfile ipfwadm rules to ipchains rules - please wait a moment. >/dev/stderr cat $WALLIPFWADM \ | sed -e 's/^$/ZZBLANKLINEZZ/' \ -e 's/\-V [^ ]* //' \ -e 's/^\([^=]*\)=\"\([^\"]*\)\"\(.*\)/\1=\" \2 \"\3/' \ | ipfwadm2ipchains \ | sed -e 's/^ZZBLANKLINEZZ$//' >$WALLIPCHAINS #Line by line: #Put in a placeholder for blank lines. i2i doesn't handle them. #Remove all -V references, as ipfw.dotfile already uses -W's #The sed script with the ='s puts a space at the beginning and end of the sole #quoted string on a line. This allows i2i to inspect each word in the string #seperately, as i2i deals with space separated objects. #It replaces export MYVAR="ff gg hh" with export MYVAR=" ff gg hh " #Convert all ipfwadm commands to ipchains commands. #Return blank lines. fi #If we're booting an ipchains kernel, link firewall to the ipchains version #of the script. Likewise, ipfwadm. if [ -f /proc/net/ip_fwchains ]; then ln -sf $WALLIPCHAINS $WALLLINK elif [ -f /proc/net/ip_input ]; then ln -sf $WALLIPFWADM $WALLLINK else rm -f firewall echo Warning! this kernel supports neither ipchains nor ipfwadm. >/dev/stderr echo It will not be possible to provide a firewall. >/dev/stderr echo -n -e "\a" >/dev/stderr #Beep sleep 1 echo -n -e "\a" >/dev/stderr sleep 1 echo -n -e "\a" >/dev/stderr sleep 10 fi