#!/bin/bash #These are functions useful to the uml projects. They are GPL'd. #Copyright 1999-2000, William Stearns and #Jeff Dike #TODO rm touch and sudo, remove sudo /bin's #Start conditional functions if [ -f /usr/lib/samlib/samlib ]; then #If user has samlib, use those... . /usr/lib/samlib/samlib else #...else fall back on these. addline() { #Params: $1 File that needs the additional line, $2 line to add. if [ "$#" != "2" ]; then echo Incorrect number of arguments to addline! >>/dev/stderr else case "$1" in /*) echo Filename is not relative in addline! >>/dev/stderr ;; *) if [ -f "$1" ] && $SUDO cat "$1" | grep -q "^$2\$" ; then echo \"$2\" is already in $1 - not adding again. >>/dev/stderr else printf "%-3s%-40s%-50s\n" '+' "$1" "$2" #Was: echo Adding \"$2\" to $1 if [ -f $1 ]; then #Yes, this is ugly, but _you_ try getting sudo to allow you to append as root as well! #$SUDO /bin/echo "$2" >>$1 - doesn't work. $SUDO cp -pf "$1" "$1.orig" echo "$2" | $SUDO /bin/cat "$1.orig" - | $SUDO dd of="$1" 2>/dev/null $SUDO rm -f "$1.orig" else $SUDO touch "$1" echo "$2" | $SUDO dd of="$1" 2>/dev/null fi fi ;; esac fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # askYN function, returns true or false depending on user input. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #No external apps needed. #Checks done on the following function: askYN () { #SUDO checked TESTYN="" while [ "$TESTYN" != 'Y' ] && [ "$TESTYN" != 'N' ] ; do echo -n '?' >/dev/stderr read TESTYN || : case $TESTYN in T*|t*|Y*|y*) TESTYN='Y' ;; F*|f*|N*|n*) TESTYN='N' ;; esac done if [ "$TESTYN" = 'Y' ]; then return 0 #True else return 1 #False fi } #End of askYN #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # bits2mask function, returns the netmask for the number of bits parameter. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- bits2mask () { case $1 in 32|*/32) echo ;; 31|*/31) echo ;; 30|*/30) echo ;; 29|*/29) echo ;; 28|*/28) echo ;; 27|*/27) echo ;; 26|*/26) echo ;; 25|*/25) echo ;; 24|*/24) echo ;; 23|*/23) echo ;; 22|*/22) echo ;; 21|*/21) echo ;; 20|*/20) echo ;; 19|*/19) echo ;; 18|*/18) echo ;; 17|*/17) echo ;; 16|*/16) echo ;; 15|*/15) echo ;; 14|*/14) echo ;; 13|*/13) echo ;; 12|*/12) echo ;; 11|*/11) echo ;; 10|*/10) echo ;; 9|*/9) echo ;; 8|*/8) echo ;; 7|*/7) echo ;; 6|*/6) echo ;; 5|*/5) echo ;; 4|*/4) echo ;; 3|*/3) echo ;; 2|*/2) echo ;; 1|*/1) echo ;; 0|*/0) echo ;; *) echo ;; esac } #End of bits2mask #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # broadcastof function, returns the broadcast of the given ip and netmask. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- broadcastof () { #The broadcast is (ip bitwise-or ( CKPTBROADCASTOF=" broadcastof: Start $1 mask $2" ; #ckpt $CKPTBROADCASTOF case $2 in 32| echo $1 ;; 0| echo ;; *) SPLITIP=$1 I1O1=${SPLITIP%%.*} ; SPLITIP=${SPLITIP#*.} I1O2=${SPLITIP%%.*} ; SPLITIP=${SPLITIP#*.} I1O3=${SPLITIP%%.*} ; SPLITIP=${SPLITIP#*.} I1O4=$SPLITIP case $2 in [0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]) SPLITIP=`bits2mask $2` ;; *) SPLITIP=$2 ;; esac I2O1=${SPLITIP%%.*} ; SPLITIP=${SPLITIP#*.} I2O2=${SPLITIP%%.*} ; SPLITIP=${SPLITIP#*.} I2O3=${SPLITIP%%.*} ; SPLITIP=${SPLITIP#*.} I2O4=$SPLITIP echo $[ $I1O1 | (255-$I2O1) ].$[ $I1O2 | (255-$I2O2) ].$[ $I1O3 | (255-$I2O3) ].$[ $I1O4 | (255-$I2O4) ] ;; esac CKPTBROADCASTOF="" } #End of broadcastof delline() { #Params: $1 File that needs the line removed, $2 line to remove (may be a partial line). if [ "$#" != "2" ]; then echo Incorrect number of arguments to delline! >>/dev/stderr else case "$1" in /*) echo Filename is not relative in delline! >>/dev/stderr ;; *) if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then echo "$1" doesn\'t exist, can\'t remove \"$2\". elif $SUDO cat "$1" | grep -q "^$2\$" ; then $SUDO cp -pf "$1" "$1.orig" $SUDO cat "$1.orig" | grep -v "^$2\$" | $SUDO dd of="$1" 2>/dev/null printf "%1s%-2s%-40s%-50s\n" '-' "$[ `$SUDO cat "$1.orig" | wc -l` - `$SUDO cat "$1" | wc -l` ]" "$1" "$2" #Was: echo -n "Removing \"$2\" from $1; " ; echo $[ `$SUDO cat "$1.orig" | wc -l` - `$SUDO cat "$1" | wc -l` ] lines removed. $SUDO /bin/rm -f "$1.orig" else echo \"$2\" is not in "$1" - not removing. >>/dev/stderr fi ;; esac fi } max () { #Returns the largest of the CLP's, or 0 if none. if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo 0 else MAX=$1 shift while [ -n "$1" ]; do if [ $[ $1 ] -gt $MAX ]; then MAX=$[ $1 ] fi shift done echo $MAX fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # networkof function, returns the network of the given ip and netmask. #------------------------------------------------------------------------- networkof () { #Basically, the network is (ip bitwise-and netmask) CKPTNETWORKOF=" networkof: Start $1 mask $2" ; #ckpt $CKPTNETWORKOF case $2 in 32| echo $1 ;; 0| echo ;; *) SPLITIP=$1 I1O1=${SPLITIP%%.*} ; SPLITIP=${SPLITIP#*.} I1O2=${SPLITIP%%.*} ; SPLITIP=${SPLITIP#*.} I1O3=${SPLITIP%%.*} ; SPLITIP=${SPLITIP#*.} I1O4=$SPLITIP case $2 in [0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]) SPLITIP=`bits2mask $2` ;; *) SPLITIP=$2 ;; esac I2O1=${SPLITIP%%.*} ; SPLITIP=${SPLITIP#*.} I2O2=${SPLITIP%%.*} ; SPLITIP=${SPLITIP#*.} I2O3=${SPLITIP%%.*} ; SPLITIP=${SPLITIP#*.} I2O4=$SPLITIP echo $[ $I1O1 & $I2O1 ].$[ $I1O2 & $I2O2 ].$[ $I1O3 & $I2O3 ].$[ $I1O4 & $I2O4 ] ;; esac CKPTNETWORKOF="" } #End of networkof substline() { #Params: $1 File that needs the additional line, $2 string to look for, $3 string with which it should be replaced. if [ "$#" != "3" ]; then echo Incorrect number of arguments to substline! >>/dev/stderr else case "$1" in /*) echo Filename is not relative in substline! >>/dev/stderr ;; *) if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then $SUDO touch "$1" fi if $SUDO cat "$1" | grep -q "$2" ; then printf "%-3s%-40s%-50s\n" '-/+' "$1" "$2 -> $3" #Was: echo Replacing \"$2\" with \"$3\" in $1 $SUDO cp -pf "$1" "$1.orig" $SUDO cat "$1.orig" | sed -e "s@$2@$3@g" | $SUDO dd of="$1" 2>/dev/null $SUDO rm -f "$1.orig" fi ;; esac fi } #End loading fallback versions of functions fi rpm_add_deps () { #Given a list of packages, adds the supporting packages in the right order. #Keep list of reordered rpms; only # them if they're reordered twice or more. REORDEREDRPMS=" " if [ ! -d var/lib/rpm ]; then $SUDO mkdir --parents var/lib/rpm fi if [ ! -f $RPMPROVIDES ]; then # echo Preparing .provides list >>../debug for ONERPM in $RPMDIR/*.rpm ; do $SUDO rpm -qp --provides $ONERPM | sed -e 's/ =.*//' -e "s@^@${ONERPM}\&@" >>$RPMPROVIDES $SUDO rpm -qpl $ONERPM | sed -e "s@^@${ONERPM}\&@" >>$RPMPROVIDES done for ONERPM in $RPMDIR/*.rpm ; do #Add package names at the end as a last gasp "provides" PackageNameProvides=`$SUDO rpm -qpi $ONERPM | grep '^Name ' | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e "s@^@${ONERPM}\&@"` if [ -z "`cat $RPMPROVIDES | grep ^$PackageNameProvides$`" ]; then #If that line's not already in the file, add it. echo "$PackageNameProvides" >>$RPMPROVIDES fi done fi RPMS="" for rpm in $* ; do RPMS="$RPMS $(rpm_file $rpm)" done RPMS="$RPMS " LISTOK="" while [ "$LISTOK" != "YES" ]; do #clear >>/dev/stderr echo >>../debug ; echo Working on `echo $RPMS | sed -e "s@$RPMDIR/@@g"` >>../debug LISTOK="YES" $SUDO rm -f var/lib/rpm/* $SUDO rpm --root $CURRENTDIR --initdb for rpm in $RPMS ; do # echo Installed: `$SUDO rpm -qa --root $CURRENTDIR` >>../debug # echo Attempting: rpm -i --root $CURRENTDIR $(rpm_params $DIST $rpm) $(rpm_file $rpm) --justdb --ignoresize --excludedocs >>../debug if ! NEEDEDTEXT="$($SUDO rpm -i --root $CURRENTDIR $(rpm_params $DIST $rpm) $(rpm_file $rpm) --justdb --ignoresize --excludedocs 2>&1 )" ; then # if [ "$rpm" = "/usr/src/rh62source/glibc-2.1.3-21.i386.rpm" ]; then # echo NT${NEEDEDTEXT}NT # $SUDO rpm -i --root $CURRENTDIR $(rpm_params $DIST $rpm) $(rpm_file $rpm) -vv # fi NEEDEDRESOURCE=$(echo "$NEEDEDTEXT" | grep 'is needed by' | head -1 | awk '{print $1}') if [ -n "$NEEDEDRESOURCE" ]; then export NEEDEDRESOURCE if [ `cat $RPMPROVIDES | grep "&$NEEDEDRESOURCE *$" | wc -l` -ne 1 ]; then echo '0 or 2+ rpms provide ' $NEEDEDRESOURCE . Using the first one of: >>../debug cat $RPMPROVIDES | grep "&$NEEDEDRESOURCE *$" >>../debug fi NEEDEDRPM=$(cat $RPMPROVIDES | grep "&$NEEDEDRESOURCE *$" | head -1 | sed -e 's@&.*@@') #; echo NRPM "$NEEDEDRPM" >>../debug # echo "$NEEDEDRPM" is needed to satisfy "$rpm" . >>../debug if echo "$RPMS" | grep -q "[# ]$NEEDEDRPM[# ]" ; then echo Stripping $NEEDEDRPM to reorder before $rpm . >>../debug RPMS=`echo "$RPMS" | sed -e "s@[# ]$NEEDEDRPM@@"` if echo "$REORDEREDRPMS" | grep -q " $NEEDEDRPM "; then #If it's already been reordered, use # to link them echo -n '#' >>../debug RPMS=`echo "$RPMS" | sed -e "s@ $rpm @ $NEEDEDRPM#$rpm @"` else echo -n '-' >>../debug RPMS=`echo "$RPMS" | sed -e "s@ $rpm @ $NEEDEDRPM $rpm @"` REORDEREDRPMS=" $REORDEREDRPMS $NEEDEDRPM " fi # echo ${NEEDEDRPM}: $REORDEREDRPMS >>../debug # sleep 1 else RPMS=`echo "$RPMS" | sed -e "s@ $rpm @ $NEEDEDRPM $rpm @"` fi # if [ "$rpm" = "/usr/src/rh62source/info-4.0-5.i386.rpm" ]; then # echo # echo X${NEEDEDRESOURCE}X # echo X${NEEDEDRPM}X # echo "X${NEEDEDTEXT}X" # read JUNK #sleep 4 # fi LISTOK="NO" continue 2 fi fi done done $SUDO rm -f ./var/lib/rpm/* $SUDO rmdir var/lib/rpm var/lib var #$SUDO rpm --root $CURRENTDIR --initdb echo $RPMS echo >>../debug echo $RPMS >>../debug # ( for ONERPM in $RPMS ; do # echo $ONERPM | sed -e "s@$RPMDIR/@@g" # done ) | sort >>../debug } rpm_params() { #Returns the custom parameters needed to install an rpm. #Params: distribution name, package name #RedHat: # libtermcap and (bash, I think) depend on each other. # kernel needed by util-linux, but we'll just nodeps it. # tcpdump wants a 2.2.0 kernel or higher as well #Mandrake: the following pairs depend on each other: # msec and chkconfig # gpm and ncurses # freetype and XFRee86-libs # xinitrc and XFree86 # xterm and XFree86 # kernel needed by util-linux, but we'll just nodeps it. # Mesa and Mesa-common #Caldera 2.4 # lisa and bash # libpwdb and bash # cracklib and bash # libpam and bash # fileutils and bash # sh-utils and bash # util-linux and bash # sed and bash # SysVinit and SysVinit-scripts RPMOPTIONS='' #ZZZZ #Add them back in, one at a time, if and when needed! #ZZZZ # for ONERPMBASE in `echo $* | tr '#' ' '` ; do # case $1 in # rh*|im*) # case $ONERPMBASE in # libtermcap*|util-linux*|tcpdump*|Mesa*|devfsd*|modutils*) # RPMOPTIONS=" $RPMOPTIONS --nodeps " # ;; # esac # ;; # md*) # case $ONERPMBASE in # util-linux*|msec*|gpm*|freetype*|xinitrc*|xterm*|Mesa-common*) # RPMOPTIONS=" $RPMOPTIONS --nodeps " # ;; # esac # ;; # cl*) # case $ONERPMBASE in # #lisa*|libpwdb*|cracklib*|libpam*|fileutils*|sh-utils*|util-linux*|sed*|SysVinit-scripts*) # # RPMOPTIONS=" $RPMOPTIONS --nodeps " # # ;; # lisa*) # RPMOPTIONS=" $RPMOPTIONS --noorder " # ;; # esac # ;; # co*) # case $ONERPMBASE in # libtermcap*|tcpdump*) # RPMOPTIONS=" --nodeps " # ;; # esac # ;; # esac # done echo $RPMOPTIONS } rpm_file() { if [ -n "`echo $* | grep '#'`" ]; then NEWSEPCHAR=' ' else NEWSEPCHAR='#' fi SEPCHAR=' ' #we have to separate this block from previous blocks for ONERPMBASE in `echo $* | tr '#' ' '` ; do case $ONERPMBASE in *.rpm) echo -n "$SEPCHAR$ONERPMBASE" ;; *) local name=$ONERPMBASE #set $RPMDIR/$ONERPMBASE[-0-9.i]*.rpm #Finds false dupe on fvwm2-... and fvwm2-icons... set $RPMDIR/$ONERPMBASE[-0-9]*.rpm if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo >>/dev/stderr echo Found too many rpms for $name >>/dev/stderr echo -n "$SEPCHAR$1" elif [ ! -f $1 ]; then echo >>/dev/stderr echo Found no rpms for $name >>/dev/stderr else echo -n "$SEPCHAR$1" fi ;; esac SEPCHAR="$NEWSEPCHAR" done } function get_data() { local prompt=$1 local default=$2 local verify=$3 local answer="" local err_msg while true; do echo -n "$prompt [$default]: " 1>&2 read answer [ "$answer" = "" ] && answer=$default [ $verify != "" ] && err_msg=`$verify $answer` && break [ "$err_msg" != "" ] && echo -e $err_msg 1>&2 done echo $answer } function verify_yn() { local answer=$1 local res=true echo "Please answer 'y' or 'n'" [ "$1" = "y" ] || [ "$1" = "n" ] } function verify_fs() { local file=$1; local res=true local ok="y" if [ -b "$file" ] then ok=`get_data "\"$file\" is a block device - confirm that you want to install into it" y verify_yn` elif [ -d "$file" ] then ok=`get_data "\"$file\" is a directory - confirm that you want to install into it" y verify_yn` elif [ -f "$file" ] then ok=`get_data "\"$file\" already exists - OK to delete it" y verify_yn` elif [ -e $file ] then ok=`get_data "\"$file\" is not a plain file - OK to delete it" y \ verify_yn` fi [ "$ok" = "y" ] } function verify_size() { local size=$1 local err="" local space=`df \`dirname $FSFILE\` | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'` space=$(( $space / 1024 )) local mnt=`df \`dirname $FSFILE\` | tail -1 | awk '{print $6}'` if [ `expr "$size" : '[0-9]*'` -ne `expr length "$size"` ] then err="The size must be a number, containing only digits" elif [ "$size" -lt 100 ] then err="The size should be at least 100" elif [ $space -lt "$size" ] then err="There is not enough free space in $mnt (available space : \ $space M)" fi echo $err [ "$err" = "" ] } function verify_mnt() { local dir=$1 local err="" if [ ! -d "$dir" ] then err="$dir is not a directory" elif [ ! -d "$dir/RedHat/RPMS" ] then err="$dir seems not to be a Red Hat distribution ($dir/RedHat/RPMS \n\ doesn't exist or isn't a directory)" fi echo $err [ "$err" = "" ] } function verify_sudo() { local sudo=$1 local err="" if [ "$sudo" = "" ] then err="" elif [ ! -f "$sudo" ] || [ ! -x "$sudo" ] || [ ! -u "$sudo" ] then err="\"$sudo\" is not an setuid root executable file" fi echo $err [ "$err" = "" ] } #Check that we have the needed samlib library functions for ONEFUNC in addline askYN bits2mask broadcastof delline max networkof substline ; do if ! type $ONEFUNC >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then echo "Missing $ONEFUNC , please update samlib from" >>/dev/stderr echo "http://www.pobox.com/~wstearns/" >>/dev/stderr echo "Exiting." >>/dev/stderr exit 1 fi done