Verison 2.0.4: -------------- More signatures. Improved documentation, mentions of p0f_db, etc. [BUG] Fixed a minor problem with installation on systems w/o /usr/man/. [BUG] Fixed a DLT_NULL problem, added a new loopback signature. Multiple timestamp options, timestamps now read from pcap dumps. Sync with new Windows port code. [BUG] Fixed one-line reporting for masquerade detection. Version 2.0.3: -------------- Iproved -F. Masquerade detection code now checks for time going backwards in timestamps. Added uptime in query data and p0fq.c. Added -F fuzzy TTL matching option. More signatures. 2.0.3 and -M code ported to Windows, Windows port fixes, all thanks to Kirby Kuehl . [BUG] Fixed Windows compilation by ifdefing query_cache. [BUG] Missing ENDIAN define on SunOS? Added to Makefile. It now defaults to big endian, perhaps worth auto-detecting in case of Solaris on x86 or such. -r now also resolves the target host. Added -X option, sendsyn added. Better Makefile and p0f*.fp documentation. Automatic wildcard for WSS of 12345 and size exceeding PACKET_BIG. Documentation (links) updated. Sheesh, more cleanup in p0fr.fp explanations and p0f.c RST recognition code. test/sendack2.c added. Added wildcard for packet size; massive ACK probing to diagnose the payload quoting issue. Many new RST fingerprints for network devices. Updated some tos.h signatures. [BUG] Fixed Solaris makefile to include p0f-query.c Version 2.0.2: -------------- Cleanup of the RST mess in p0fr.fp and p0f.c parser. Added isprint() text preview for -x mode. [BUG] Fixed packet size reporting and matching for packets over 255 bytes (_u8 -> _u16). Extended RST+ACK to also cover plain RST, added some sane explanations of the purpose of each mode. Clarification of the RST vs RST+ACK occurences; test/sendack.c added. Added -R option for RST+ACK fingerprinting. Created an empty database. Moved databases from /etc to /etc/p0f/ Windows memory leak mystery solved. No longer using pcap timeouts for anything. They suck. I first wanted to use SIGALRM with no SA_RESTART, but it's broken on Linux on this particular syscall. Fortunately, I spotted an mis-documented pcap_fileno and can now use select(). I just hope it won't break. Note to self: despite of the documentation saying pcap_open_live with timeout 0 will simply never timeout (which is irrelevant for pcap_loop anyway), it does not work on FreeBSD, inhibiting all packet processing instead. Works fine on Linux. Go figure. Some minor p0fq fixes to prevent warnings. Added some SYN+ACK signatures from rfp (p0fa.fp). Hooray! p0fa.fp is now official. Moved from test/ to ., etc. README updated. [BUG] Fixed the default TTL for IRIX and Tru64 (60), added a note to p0f.fp, fixed TTL checker to also support %30 values. [BUG] Fixed query mode lookup. The old code didn't handle reverse lookups properly. Masquerade scoring data is now available via the query interface. P0fq utility updated to handle this. Dropped /bin/bash from p0frep, /bin/sh would suffice. Added a new -c option for -M and -Q cache size scaling, packet ratio information on Ctrl-C to help estimate the right parameter. Extra masquerade detection flags: -T for threshold, -V for detailed flag breakdown; masquerade reporting now recognizes -r. The new -w option writes all matching packets to a pcap file (regardless of -K and -U settings). Added -M option (unix only until p0f-query.c gets ported). This option enables advanced masquerade detection based on the cyclic buffer used by -Q. Added - signature flag to the config file. Some documentation for the new functionality. [BUG] Cleaned up the -K and -U semantics with -Q. Replaced some single-character printfs with putchars in signature reporting code (should be a tad faster). Added signature check reporting, generic signature count and some other minor tweaks. The new -x option provides a hexadecimal TCP/IP packet dump. Useful when comparing two colliding fingerprints to find some differences not covered by the current quirks set. PPPoE interface is now handled correctly on NetBSD. Added a shoddy manpage and updated makefiles. Removed E quirk and added E to the regular options; removed needless EOL append code from the parser. Breaks the old signature format in some rare cases, but the old quirk is still recognized, and the user will be advised to change it. [BUG] Fixed ? option parsing bug that prevented RISC OS signature from working (and would prevent all ? signatures from working, should there be any other ;-). New signatures and other database additions, of course. [BUG] Fixed a very minor parser bug that could cause it to loop over an unknown option with a declared length of zero. This is not a DoS condition, because the parser would quit the loop after parsing max. 16 options anyway. Version 2.0.1 (2003/09/03): --------------------------- Initial stable release after a complete rewrite; some of the changes are pointed out in README. [SECURITY] What was wrong with p0f v1 in terms of security? Other than its inefficient algorithms, there was a risk of a DoS attack while parsing badly malformed packets. The risk would be due to going past end of options, so there is no exploitable condition, but... the original pcap parser wasn't my work (a contributed code), and p0f v1 was not quite intended to be used in serious production systems.