"...exploiting this vulnerability would cause the RPC service to fail, with the attendant loss of any RPC-based services the server offers, as well as potential loss of some COM functions. ...Although Windows NT 4.0 is affected by this vulnerability, Microsoft is unable to provide a patch for this vulnerability for Windows NT 4.0. The architectural limitations of Windows NT 4.0 do not support the changes that would be required to remove this vulnerability. Windows NT 4.0 users are strongly encouraged to employ the workaround discussed in the FAQ below, which is to protect the NT 4.0 system with a firewall that blocks Port 135." -- http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS03-010.asp?frame=true "Microsoft is betting that customers using 7-year-old Windows NT 4 Server--35 percent of the total--are ripe for an upgrade." -- http://news.com.com/2100-1012-994437.html