Protocol. Server provides a list of IPs to shun. @ URL #URL where the master copy of this list can be found . /full/path/to/additional/entries #Source another file of shun entries #. and 0 entries in files will be ignored. . http://some.trusted.source/shunlist.html /etc/shun/trusted-shun-cache.html #pull down a shun list in this format and store a copy in #/etc/shun/trusted-shun-cache.html to use if the network #is down at some future time. + ipa/32 UnixGMTPardonTimestamp #Shun this host, but only until Timestamp reached, then the #shun client is responsible for taking away the shun entry. #The client does _not_ guarantee that the shun will be removed #at exactly that time. + networka/22 UnixGMTPardonTimestamp #Shun this net + networkb/30 UnixGMTPardonTimestamp ! ipz/32 #Regardless of any other local or remote shun requests, _never_ shun this IP. ! networky/26 #Likewise, never shun this net. #blah blah blah #Ignore any characters following '#' anywhere on a line. All ips and networks must be straight numerical IPs or networks, or resolvable via /etc/hosts. While DNS lookup could technically be accomodated, that's a _really_ bad idea in firewall rules if the dns server is unavailable. Lines starting with any character other than 0, ., +, -, or ! will be ignored. No blocking will be done on the loopback interface. Timestamp for valid local cache file or individual shun entry. date +%s #provide seconds since the epoch date -d "1970/01/01 gmt+ 995716877 sec" -u #convert back Unimplemented or future implementation: 0 0 #NOT IMPLEMENTED; NEEDED? #Start with a fresh list. Implied if missing from conf file. - ipb/32 #Stop shunning this formerly shunned IP - networkq/28 #Stop shunning this formerly shunned network . incidents-shunme.html #pull down file from web or ftp URL. Wget needed. #local copy kept at /etc/shun/incidents-shunme.html #., ! and 0 entries in pulled files will be ignored. ` command #Run the command and treat the output as normal shun commands. #Stderr is ignored. Examples: #` route -n | grep '^[0-9]' | grep -v '^' | awk '{print $1 "/" $3}' | sed -e 's/^/! /' #Do not use the ` chracter in your commands; use $( and ) to surround #any subshell output you need to create. . /dev/stdin #Pull entries from stdin. Useful if processing a procmail pipe. # In addition to the formally specified '!' non-blocks, the client #app will, by default, refuse to block any local networks or gateways. #Lines starting with a [1-9] will elicit a warning as #the user may have forgotten the +/-/!.