HOME_NET=0/0 EXTERNAL_NET=0/0 SMTP=$HOME_NET HTTP_SERVERS=$HOME_NET SQL_SERVERS=$HOME_NET DNS_SERVERS=$HOME_NET SHELLCODE_PORTS='\! 80' iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 0 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID524 " # "BAD TRAFFIC tcp port 0 traffic" sid:524 classtype:misc-activity iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -d $EXTERNAL_NET -s $HOME_NET --sport 0 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID524 " # "BAD TRAFFIC tcp port 0 traffic" sid:524 classtype:misc-activity iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 0 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID525 " # "BAD TRAFFIC udp port 0 traffic" sid:525 classtype:misc-activity iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -d $EXTERNAL_NET -s $HOME_NET --sport 0 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID525 " # "BAD TRAFFIC udp port 0 traffic" sid:525 classtype:misc-activity #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --tcp-flags ALL SYN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID526 " #Cannot convert: dsize:>6 "BAD TRAFFIC data in TCP SYN packet" url,www.cert.org/incident_notes/IN-99-07.html sid:526 classtype:misc-activity iptables -A SnortRules -d -j LOG --log-prefix " SID528 " # "BAD TRAFFIC loopback traffic" classtype:bad-unknown url,rr.sans.org/firewall/egress.php sid:528 iptables -A SnortRules -s -j LOG --log-prefix " SID528 " # "BAD TRAFFIC loopback traffic" classtype:bad-unknown url,rr.sans.org/firewall/egress.php sid:528 #iptables -A SnortRules -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -j LOG --log-prefix " SID523 " #Cannot convert: fragbits:R "BAD TRAFFIC ip reserved bit set" sid:523 classtype:misc-activity #iptables -A SnortRules -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -m ttl --ttl-eq 0 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1321 " #Cannot convert: EN-US q138268 "BAD TRAFFIC 0 ttl" url,www.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc1122.txt url,support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb sid:1321 classtype:misc-activity #iptables -A SnortRules -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1322 " #Cannot convert: fragbits:MD "BAD TRAFFIC bad frag bits" sid:1322 classtype:misc-activity iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 22 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/bin/sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1324 " # "EXPLOIT ssh CRC32 overflow /bin/sh" bugtraq,2347 cve,CVE-2001-0144 classtype:shellcode-detect sid:1324 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 22 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1326 " # "EXPLOIT ssh CRC32 overflow NOOP" bugtraq,2347 cve,CVE-2001-0144 classtype:shellcode-detect sid:1326 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 22 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "W" --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1327 " # "EXPLOIT ssh CRC32 overflow" bugtraq,2347 cve,CVE-2001-0144 classtype:shellcode-detect sid:1327 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET --sport 80 -d $HOME_NET -m string --string "3ɱ?Q512 "EXPLOIT NNTP Cassandra Overflow" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-2000-0341 arachnids,274 classtype:attempted-user sid:291 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 139 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/_J^>" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID292 " # "EXPLOIT x86 linux samba overflow" bugtraq,1816 cve,CVE-1999-0811 cve,CVE-1999-0182 classtype:attempted-admin sid:292 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 143 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/bin/sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID293 " # "EXPLOIT imap overflow" classtype:attempted-admin sid:293 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 143 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "@̀/" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID295 " # "EXPLOIT imap x86 linux overflow" bugtraq,130 cve,CVE-1999-0005 classtype:attempted-admin sid:295 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 143 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "4^^ 1҉V" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID296 " # "EXPLOIT imap x86 linux overflow" bugtraq,130 cve,CVE-1999-0005 classtype:attempted-admin sid:296 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 143 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "5^F0F0F0" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID297 " # "EXPLOIT imap x86 linux overflow" bugtraq,130 cve,CVE-1999-0005 classtype:attempted-admin sid:297 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 143 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "8^؀F F" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID298 " # "EXPLOIT imap x86 linux overflow" bugtraq,130 cve,CVE-1999-0005 classtype:attempted-admin sid:298 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 143 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "X^1ۃ^&" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID299 " # "EXPLOIT imap x86 linux overflow" bugtraq,130 cve, CVE-1999-0005 classtype:attempted-admin sid:299 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 2766 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "#^3FF6" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID300 " # "EXPLOIT nlps x86 solaris overflow" classtype:attempted-admin sid:300 bugtraq,2319 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 515 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "C[KC ̀1̀/bin/sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID301 " # "EXPLOIT LPRng overflow" cve,CVE-2000-0917 bugtraq,1712 classtype:attempted-admin sid:301 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 515 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "XXXX%.172u%300\$n" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID302 " # "EXPLOIT redhat 7.0 lprd overflow" classtype:attempted-admin sid:302 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 6373 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "]UMM" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID304 " # "EXPLOIT sco calserver overflow" cve,CVE-2000-0306 bugtraq,2353 classtype:attempted-admin sid:304 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 8080 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "whois://" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID305 " #Cannot convert: dsize: >1000 "EXPLOIT delegate proxy overflow" nocase-ignored arachnids,267 classtype:attempted-admin sid:305 bugtraq,808 cve,CVE-2000-0165 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 9090 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "GET / HTTP/1.1" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID306 " # "EXPLOIT VQServer admin" nocase-ignored bugtraq,1610 cve,CAN-2000-0766 classtype:attempted-admin sid:306 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 6666:7000 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "K[S2 K#Pw" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID307 " # "EXPLOIT IRC topic overflow" cve,CVE-1999-0672 bugtraq,573 classtype:attempted-user sid:307 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string " ̃3f" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID308 " # "EXPLOIT NextFTP client overflow" bugtraq,572 cve,CVE-1999-0671 classtype:attempted-user sid:308 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "from:" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID309 " #Cannot convert: dsize: >512 "EXPLOIT sniffit overflow" nocase-ignored bugtraq,1158 cve,CAN-2000-0343 arachnids,273 classtype:attempted-admin sid:309 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "E [3ɱ+" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID310 " # "EXPLOIT x86 windows MailMax overflow" bugtraq,2312 cve,CVE-1999-0404 classtype:attempted-admin sid:310 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $HOME_NET -d $EXTERNAL_NET --dport 80 -m string --string "3ɱ?Q128 "EXPLOIT ntpdx overflow attempt" arachnids,492 classtype:attempted-admin sid:312 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 518 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID313 " # "EXPLOIT ntalkd x86 linux overflow" bugtraq,210 classtype:attempted-admin sid:313 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string " a" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID303 " # "EXPLOIT named tsig overflow attempt" cve,CVE-2001-0010 bugtraq,2302 arachnids,482 classtype:attempted-admin sid:303 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 -m string --string "?/bin/sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID314 " # "EXPLOIT named tsig overflow attempt" classtype:attempted-admin sid:314 cve,CVE-2001-0010 bugtraq,2302 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 635 -m string --string "^ȉFF" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID315 " # "EXPLOIT x86 linux mountd overflow" cve,CVE-1999-0002 classtype:attempted-admin sid:315 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 635 -m string --string "V^VVV1҈V V" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID316 " # "EXPLOIT x86 linux mountd overflow" cve,CVE-1999-0002 classtype:attempted-admin sid:316 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 635 -m string --string "@^1@F@" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID317 " # "EXPLOIT x86 linux mountd overflow" cve,CVE-1999-0002 classtype:attempted-admin sid:317 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 67 -m string --string "echo netrjs stre" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID318 " # "EXPLOIT bootp x86 bsd overflow" classtype:attempted-admin sid:318 bugtraq,324 cve,CVE-1999-0914 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 67 -m string --string "A90/bin/sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID319 " # "EXPLOIT bootp x86 linux overflow" cve,CVE-1999-0799 cve,CAN-1999-0798 cve,CAN-1999-0389 classtype:attempted-admin sid:319 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 2224 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "1̀[" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1240 " # "EXPLOIT MDBMS overflow" bugtraq,1252 cve,CVE-2000-0446 classtype:attempted-admin sid:1240 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 4242 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "xxxx" --string "@@;6;v" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1261 " #Cannot convert: dsize:>1000 "EXPLOIT aix pdnsd overflow" cve,CVE-1999-0745 bugtraq,3237 classtype:attempted-user sid:1261 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 4321 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "-soa %p" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1323 " # "EXPLOIT rwhoisd format string attempt" cve,CAN-2001-0838 bugtraq,3474 classtype:misc-attack sid:1323 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp --dport 6667 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "PRIVMSG nickserv IDENTIFY" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1382 " #Cannot convert: dsize:>200 "EXPLOIT Ettercap IRC parse overflow attempt" nocase-ignored url,www.bugtraq.org/dev/GOBBLES-12.txt classtype:misc-attack sid:1382 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 6112 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "1" --string !"000" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1398 " # "EXPLOIT CDE dtspcd exploit attempt" cve,CAN-2001-0803 url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-01.html classtype:misc-attack sid:1398 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET --sport 10101 -d $HOME_NET -m ttl --ttl-gt 220 --tcp-flags ALL SYN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID613 " #Cannot convert: ack: 0 "SCAN myscan" arachnids,439 classtype:attempted-recon sid:613 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET --sport 31790 -d $HOME_NET --dport 31789 -m string --string "A" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID614 " # "SCAN trojan hack-a-tack probe" arachnids,314 classtype:attempted-recon sid:614 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 1080 --tcp-flags ALL SYN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID615 " # "SCAN Proxy attempt" url,help.undernet.org/proxyscan/ classtype:attempted-recon sid:615 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 113 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "VERSION" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID616 " # "SCAN ident version" arachnids,303 classtype:attempted-recon sid:616 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 3128 --tcp-flags ALL SYN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID618 " # "INFO - Possible Squid Scan" classtype:attempted-recon sid:618 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 80 --tcp-flags ALL FIN,SYN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID619 " #Cannot convert: Flag1 Flag2 dsize: 0 "SCAN cybercop os probe" arachnids,146 classtype:attempted-recon sid:619 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 8080 --tcp-flags ALL SYN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID620 " # "SCAN Proxy attempt" classtype:attempted-recon sid:620 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --tcp-flags ALL FIN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID621 " # "SCAN FIN" arachnids,27 classtype:attempted-recon sid:621 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --tcp-flags ALL SYN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID622 " #Cannot convert: seq: 1958810375 "SCAN IP Eye SYN Scan" arachnids,236 classtype:attempted-recon sid:622 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --tcp-flags ALL NONE -j LOG --log-prefix " SID623 " #Cannot convert: seq:0 ack:0 "SCAN NULL" arachnids,4 classtype:attempted-recon sid:623 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --tcp-flags ALL FIN,SYN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID624 " # "SCAN SYN FIN" arachnids,198 classtype:attempted-recon sid:624 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --tcp-flags ALL ACK,FIN,PSH,SYN,RST,URG -j LOG --log-prefix " SID625 " # "SCAN XMAS" arachnids,144 classtype:attempted-recon sid:625 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -m string --string "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" --tcp-flags ALL ACK,PSH -j LOG --log-prefix " SID626 " #Cannot convert: Flag1 Flag2 "SCAN cybercop os probe" arachnids,149 classtype:attempted-recon sid:626 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -m string --string "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" --tcp-flags ALL FIN,SYN,URG -j LOG --log-prefix " SID627 " #Cannot convert: Flag1 Flag2 ack: 0 "SCAN cybercop os probe" arachnids,150 classtype:attempted-recon sid:627 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --tcp-flags ALL ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID628 " #Cannot convert: ack:0 "SCAN nmap TCP" arachnids,28 classtype:attempted-recon sid:628 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --tcp-flags ALL FIN,PSH,SYN,URG -j LOG --log-prefix " SID629 " # "SCAN nmap fingerprint attempt" arachnids,05 classtype:attempted-recon sid:629 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --tcp-flags ALL FIN,SYN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID630 " #Cannot convert: id: 39426 "SCAN synscan portscan" arachnids,441 classtype:attempted-recon sid:630 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "ehlo cybercopquit" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID631 " # "SMTP cybercop scan ehlo" arachnids,372 classtype:attempted-recon sid:631 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "expn cybercop" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID632 " # "SMTP cybercop scan expn" arachnids,371 classtype:attempted-recon sid:632 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 10080:10081 -m string --string "Amanda" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID634 " # "SCAN Amanda client version" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:634 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 49 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID635 " # "SCAN XTACACS logout" arachnids,408 classtype:bad-unknown sid:635 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 7 -m string --string "cybercop" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID636 " # "SCAN cybercop udp bomb" arachnids,363 classtype:bad-unknown sid:636 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -m string --string "helpquit" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID637 " # "SCAN Webtrends Scanner UDP Probe" arachnids,308 classtype:attempted-recon sid:637 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --tcp-flags ALL FIN,PSH,URG -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1228 " # "SCAN NMAP XMAS" arachnids,30 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1228 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 79 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "cmd_rootsh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID320 " # "FINGER cmd_rootsh backdoor attempt" classtype:attempted-admin url,www.sans.org/y2k/TFN_toolkit.htm url,www.sans.org/y2k/fingerd.htm sid:320 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 79 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "a b c d e f" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID321 " # "FINGER account enumeration attempt" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:321 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 79 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "search" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID322 " # "FINGER search query" cve,CVE-1999-0259 arachnids,375 classtype:attempted-recon sid:322 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 79 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "root" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID323 " # "FINGER root query" arachnids,376 classtype:attempted-recon sid:323 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 79 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID324 " # "FINGER null request" arachnids,377 classtype:attempted-recon sid:324 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 79 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string ";" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID326 " #Cannot convert: execution attempt" "FINGER remote command cve,CVE-1999-0150 bugtraq,974 arachnids,379 classtype:attempted-user sid:326 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 79 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "|" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID327 " # "FINGER remote command pipe execution attempt" cve,CVE-1999-0152 bugtraq,2220 arachnids,380 classtype:attempted-user sid:327 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 79 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "@@" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID328 " # "FINGER bomb attempt" arachnids,381 cve,CAN-1999-0106 classtype:attempted-dos sid:328 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 79 -m string --string "@" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID330 " # "FINGER redirection attempt" arachnids,251 cve,CAN-1999-0105 classtype:attempted-recon sid:330 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 79 -m string --string " " --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID331 " # "FINGER cybercop query" arachnids,132 cve,CVE-1999-0612 classtype:attempted-recon sid:331 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 79 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "0" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID332 " # "FINGER 0 query" arachnids,378 arachnids,131 cve,CAN-1999-0197 classtype:attempted-recon sid:332 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 79 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "." -j LOG --log-prefix " SID333 " # "FINGER . query" arachnids,130 cve,CAN-1999-0198 classtype:attempted-recon sid:333 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "stat " -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1379 " #Cannot convert: dsize:>1000 "FTP EXPLOIT stat overflow" nocase-ignored url,labs.defcom.com/adv/2001/def-2001-31.txt classtype:attempted-admin sid:1379 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 -m string --string ".forward" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID334 " # "FTP .forward" arachnids,319 classtype:suspicious-filename-detect sid:334 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string ".rhosts" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID335 " # "FTP .rhosts" arachnids,328 classtype:suspicious-filename-detect sid:335 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 -m string --string "cwd ~root" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID336 " # "FTP CWD ~root" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-1999-0082 arachnids,318 classtype:bad-unknown sid:336 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "CEL " -j LOG --log-prefix " SID337 " #Cannot convert: dsize:>1300 "FTP EXPLOIT aix overflow" bugtraq,679 cve,CVE-1999-0789 arachnids,257 classtype:attempted-admin sid:337 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "SITE EXEC %020d|%.f%.f|" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID338 " # "FTP EXPLOIT format string" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-2000-0573 bugtraq,1387 arachnids,453 classtype:attempted-user sid:338 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string " 1RR̀hsh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID339 " # "FTP EXPLOIT OpenBSD x86 ftpd" cve,CVE-2001-0053 bugtraq,2124 arachnids,446 classtype:attempted-user sid:339 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "PWD/i" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID340 " # "FTP EXPLOIT overflow" classtype:attempted-admin sid:340 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "XXXXX/" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID341 " # "FTP EXPLOIT overflow" classtype:attempted-admin sid:341 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "  " -j LOG --log-prefix " SID342 " # "FTP EXPLOIT wu-ftpd 2.6.0 site exec format string overflow Solaris 2.8" bugtraq,1387 cve,CAN-2000-0573 arachnids,451 classtype:attempted-user sid:342 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "1PPP~̀11" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID343 " # "FTP EXPLOIT wu-ftpd 2.6.0 site exec format string overflow FreeBSD" arachnids,228 bugtraq,1387 cve,CAN-2000-0573 classtype:attempted-admin sid:343 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "111ɰF̀11" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID344 " # "FTP EXPLOIT wu-ftpd 2.6.0 site exec format string overflow Linux" bugtraq,1387 cve,CAN-2000-0573 arachnids,287 classtype:attempted-admin sid:344 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "SITE EXEC %p" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID345 " # "FTP EXPLOIT wu-ftpd 2.6.0 site exec format string overflow generic" nocase-ignored bugtraq,1387 cve,CAN-2000-0573 arachnids,285 classtype:attempted-admin sid:345 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "f%.f%.f%.f%.f%." -j LOG --log-prefix " SID346 " # "FTP EXPLOIT wu-ftpd 2.6.0 site exec format string check" arachnids,286 bugtraq,1387 cve,CAN-2000-0573 classtype:attempted-recon sid:346 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "..11venglin@" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID348 " # "FTP EXPLOIT wu-ftpd 2.6.0" arachnids,440 bugtraq,1387 classtype:attempted-user sid:348 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "MKD AAAAAA" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID349 " # "FTP EXPLOIT MKD overflow" bugtraq,113 cve,CVE-1999-0368 classtype:attempted-admin sid:349 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "11۰̀1̀" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID350 " # "FTP EXPLOIT x86 linux overflow" bugtraq,113 cve,CVE-1999-0368 classtype:attempted-admin sid:350 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "1ۉذ̀," -j LOG --log-prefix " SID351 " # "FTP EXPLOIT x86 linux overflow" bugtraq,113 cve,CVE-1999-0368 classtype:attempted-admin sid:351 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "^p(" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID352 " # "FTP EXPLOIT x86 linux overflow" bugtraq, 113 cve, CVE-1999-0368 classtype:attempted-admin sid:352 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "PASS ddd@" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID353 " # "FTP adm scan" arachnids,332 classtype:suspicious-login sid:353 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "pass -iss@iss" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID354 " # "FTP iss scan" arachnids,331 classtype:suspicious-login sid:354 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "pass wh00t" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID355 " # "FTP pass wh00t" nocase-ignored arachnids,324 classtype:suspicious-login sid:355 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "RETR" --string "passwd" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID356 " # "FTP passwd retreval attempt" nocase-ignored arachnids,213 classtype:suspicious-filename-detect sid:356 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "pass -cklaus" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID357 " # "FTP piss scan" classtype:suspicious-login sid:357 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "pass -saint" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID358 " # "FTP saint scan" arachnids,330 classtype:suspicious-login sid:358 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "pass -satan" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID359 " # "FTP satan scan" arachnids,329 classtype:suspicious-login sid:359 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string ".%20." -j LOG --log-prefix " SID360 " # "FTP serv-u directory transversal" nocase-ignored bugtraq,2025 cve,CVE-2001-0054 classtype:bad-unknown sid:360 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "site " --string " exec " -j LOG --log-prefix " SID361 " # "FTP site exec" nocase-ignored nocase-ignored bugtraq,2241 arachnids,317 classtype:bad-unknown sid:361 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "RETR " --string " --use-compress-program" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID362 " # "FTP tar parameters" nocase-ignored nocase-ignored bugtraq,2240 arachnids,134 cve,CVE-1999-0202 classtype:bad-unknown sid:362 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "CWD " --string " ..." -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1229 " # "FTP CWD ..." classtype:bad-unknown sid:1229 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "~" --string "[" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1377 " # "FTP wu-ftp file completion attempt [" cve,CAN-2001-0886 bugtraq,3581 classtype:misc-attack sid:1377 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "~" --string "{" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1378 " # "FTP wu-ftp file completion attempt {" cve,CAN-2001-0886 bugtraq,3581 classtype:misc-attack sid:1378 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "USER w0rm " -j LOG --log-prefix " SID144 " # "FTP ADMw0rm ftp login attempt" arachnids,01 sid:144 classtype:suspicious-login iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $HOME_NET -d $EXTERNAL_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "RETR " --string "file_id.diz" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1445 " # "FTP file_id.diz access" nocase-ignored nocase-ignored classtype:misc-activity sid:1445 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "STOR 1MB" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID543 " # "FTP "STOR 1MB" possible warez site" nocase-ignored classtype:misc-activity sid:543 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "RETR 1MB" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID544 " # "FTP "RETR 1MB" possible warez site" nocase-ignored classtype:misc-activity sid:544 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "CWD / " -j LOG --log-prefix " SID545 " # "FTP "CWD /" possible warez site" nocase-ignored classtype:misc-activity sid:545 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "CWD " -j LOG --log-prefix " SID546 " # "FTP "CWD " possible warez site" nocase-ignored classtype:misc-activity sid:546 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "MKD " -j LOG --log-prefix " SID547 " # "FTP "MKD " possible warez site" nocase-ignored classtype:misc-activity sid:547 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "MKD ." -j LOG --log-prefix " SID548 " # "FTP "MKD . " possible warez site" nocase-ignored classtype:misc-activity sid:548 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 21 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "MKD / " -j LOG --log-prefix " SID554 " # "FTP "MKD / " possible warez site" nocase-ignored classtype:misc-activity sid:554 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 23 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "_RLD" --string "bin/sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID711 " # "TELNET SGI telnetd format bug" arachnids,304 classtype:attempted-admin sid:711 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 23 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "ld_library_path" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID712 " # "TELNET ld_library_path" cve,CVE-1999-0073 arachnids,367 classtype:attempted-admin sid:712 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 23 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID713 " # "TELNET livingston DOS" arachnids,370 classtype:attempted-dos sid:713 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 23 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "resolv_host_conf" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID714 " # "TELNET resolv_host_conf" arachnids,369 classtype:attempted-admin sid:714 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $HOME_NET --sport 23 -d $EXTERNAL_NET --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "to su root" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID715 " # "TELNET Attempted SU from wrong group" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-admin sid:715 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $HOME_NET --sport 23 -d $EXTERNAL_NET --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "not on system console" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID717 " # "TELNET not on console" nocase-ignored arachnids,365 classtype:bad-unknown sid:717 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $HOME_NET --sport 23 -d $EXTERNAL_NET -m string --string "Login incorrect" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID718 " # "TELNET login incorrect" arachnids,127 classtype:bad-unknown sid:718 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $HOME_NET --sport 23 -d $EXTERNAL_NET -m string --string "login: root" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID719 " # "TELNET root login" classtype:suspicious-login sid:719 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $HOME_NET --sport 23 -d $EXTERNAL_NET --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string " [Yes] &" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1252 " # "TELNET bsd telnet exploit response" classtype: attempted-admin sid:1252 bugtraq,3064 cve,CAN-2001-0554 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 23 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1253 " #Cannot convert: dsize: >200 "TELNET bsd exploit client finishing" classtype: successful-admin sid:1253 bugtraq,3064 cve,CAN-2001-0554 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 23 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "4Dgifts" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID709 " # "TELNET 4Dgifts SGI account attempt" cve,CAN-1999-0501 classtype:suspicious-login sid:709 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 23 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "OutOfBox" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID710 " # "TELNET EZsetup account attempt" cve,CAN-1999-0501 classtype:suspicious-login sid:710 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $HOME_NET --sport 23 -d $EXTERNAL_NET --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "#'\$" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID716 " # "TELNET access" arachnids,08 cve,CAN-1999-0619 classtype:not-suspicious sid:716 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "rcpt to:" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID654 " #Cannot convert: dsize:>800 "SMTP RCPT TO overflow" cve,CAN-2001-0260 bugtraq,2283 classtype:attempted-admin sid:654 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET --sport 113 -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "D/" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID655 " # "SMTP sendmail 8.6.9 exploit" arachnids,140 cve,CVE-1999-0204 classtype:attempted-admin sid:655 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "S [3ɱ+" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID656 " # "SMTP EXPLOIT x86 windows CSMMail overflow" bugtraq,895 cve,CVE-2000-0042 classtype:attempted-admin sid:656 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "charset = \"\"" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID658 " # "SMTP exchange mime DOS" classtype:attempted-dos sid:658 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "expn decode" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID659 " # "SMTP expn decode" nocase-ignored arachnids,32 classtype:attempted-recon sid:659 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "expn root" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID660 " # "SMTP expn root" nocase-ignored arachnids,31 classtype:attempted-recon sid:660 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "expn *@" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1450 " # "SMTP expn *@" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1200 classtype:misc-attack sid:1450 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "eply-to: a~.`/bin/" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID661 " #Cannot convert: Mishandled quotes "SMTP majordomo ifs" cve,CVE-1999-0208 arachnids,143 classtype:attempted-admin sid:661 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "mail from: \"|" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID662 " # "SMTP sendmail 5.5.5 exploit" nocase-ignored arachnids,119 classtype:attempted-admin sid:662 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "|sed -e '1,/^\$/'" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID663 " # "SMTP sendmail 5.5.8 overflow" arachnids,172 cve,CVE-1999-0095 classtype:attempted-admin sid:663 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "rcpt to: decode" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID664 " # "SMTP sendmail 5.6.4 exploit" nocase-ignored arachnids,121 classtype:attempted-admin sid:664 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "MAIL FROM: |/usr/ucb/tail" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID665 " # "SMTP sendmail 5.6.5 exploit" nocase-ignored arachnids,122 classtype:attempted-user sid:665 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "rcpt to: | sed '1,/^$/d'|" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID666 " # "SMTP sendmail 8.4.1 exploit" nocase-ignored arachnids,120 classtype:attempted-user sid:666 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "Croot Mprog, P=/bin/" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID667 " # "SMTP sendmail 8.6.10 exploit" arachnids,123 classtype:attempted-user sid:667 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "Croot Mprog,P=/bin" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID668 " # "SMTP sendmail 8.6.10 exploit" arachnids,124 classtype:attempted-user sid:668 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "CrootMprog" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID669 " # "SMTP sendmail 8.6.9 exploit" arachnids,142 cve,CVE-1999-0204 classtype:attempted-user sid:669 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "C:daemonR" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID670 " # "SMTP sendmail 8.6.9 exploit" cve,CVE-1999-0204 arachnids,139 classtype:attempted-user sid:670 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "Croot Mprog" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID671 " # "SMTP sendmail 8.6.9c exploit" arachnids,141 cve,CVE-1999-0204 classtype:attempted-user sid:671 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "vrfy decode" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID672 " # "SMTP vrfy decode" nocase-ignored arachnids,373 classtype:attempted-recon sid:672 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $SMTP --dport 25 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "vrfy root" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1446 " # "SMTP vrfy root" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:1446 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "" --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID569 " # "RPC snmpXdmi overflow attempt" bugtraq,2417 cve,CAN-2001-0236 url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2001-05.html classtype:attempted-admin sid:569 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 32771:34000 -m string --string "\"? ,\"?" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID570 " #Cannot convert: dsize: >999 "RPC EXPLOIT ttdbserv solaris overflow" url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2001-27.html bugtraq,122 cve,CVE-1999-0003 arachnids,242 classtype:attempted-admin sid:570 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 32771:34000 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID571 " #Cannot convert: dsize: >999 "RPC EXPLOIT ttdbserv Solaris overflow" url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2001-27.html bugtraq,122 cve,CVE-1999-0003 arachnids,242 classtype:attempted-admin sid:571 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 32771:34000 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID572 " # "RPC DOS ttdbserv solaris" bugtraq,122 arachnids,241 cve,CVE-1999-0003 classtype:attempted-dos sid:572 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 634:1400 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string ",Lu[" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID573 " # "RPC AMD Overflow" arachnids,217 classtype:attempted-admin sid:573 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 32771: --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID574 " # "RPC NFS Showmount" arachnids,26 classtype:attempted-recon sid:574 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID575 " # "RPC portmap request admind" arachnids,18 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:575 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1262 " # "RPC portmap request admind" arachnids,18 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1262 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID576 " # "RPC portmap request amountd" arachnids,19 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:576 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1263 " # "RPC portmap request amountd" arachnids,19 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1263 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID577 " # "RPC portmap request bootparam" cve,CAN-1999-0647 arachnids,16 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:577 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1264 " # "RPC portmap request bootparam" cve,CAN-1999-0647 arachnids,16 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1264 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID578 " # "RPC portmap request cmsd" arachnids,17 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:578 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1265 " # "RPC portmap request cmsd" arachnids,17 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1265 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID579 " # "RPC portmap request mountd" arachnids,13 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:579 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1266 " # "RPC portmap request mountd" arachnids,13 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1266 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID580 " # "RPC portmap request nisd" arachnids,21 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:580 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1267 " # "RPC portmap request nisd" arachnids,21 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1267 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "I" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID581 " # "RPC portmap request pcnfsd" arachnids,22 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:581 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "I" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1268 " # "RPC portmap request pcnfsd" arachnids,22 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1268 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID582 " # "RPC portmap request rexd" arachnids,23 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:582 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1269 " # "RPC portmap request rexd" arachnids,23 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1269 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID583 " # "RPC portmap request rstatd" arachnids,10 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:583 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1270 " # "RPC portmap request rstatd" arachnids,10 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1270 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1271 " # "RPC portmap request rusers" arachnids,133 cve,CVE-1999-0626 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1271 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID584 " # "RPC portmap request rusers" cve,CVE-1999-0626 arachnids,133 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:584 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1272 " # "RPC portmap request sadmind" arachnids,20 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1272 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID585 " # "RPC portmap request sadmind" arachnids,20 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:585 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID586 " # "RPC portmap request selection_svc" arachnids,25 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:586 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1273 " # "RPC portmap request selection_svc" arachnids,25 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1273 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID587 " # "RPC portmap request status" arachnids,15 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:587 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID588 " # "RPC portmap request ttdbserv" cve,CVE-1999-0003 cve,CVE-1999-0687 cve,CAN-1999-1075 cve,CAN-2001-0717 url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2001-05.html arachnids,24 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:588 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1274 " # "RPC portmap request ttdbserv" cve,CAN-2001-0717 cve,CVE-1999-0003 cve,CVE-1999-0687 cve,CAN-1999-1075 url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2001-05.html arachnids,24 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1274 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID589 " # "RPC portmap request yppasswd" arachnids,14 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:589 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1275 " # "RPC portmap request yppasswd" arachnids,14 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1275 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1276 " # "RPC portmap request ypserv" arachnids,12 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1276 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID590 " # "RPC portmap request ypserv" arachnids,12 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:590 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1277 " # "RPC portmap request ypupdated" arachnids,125 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1277 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID591 " # "RPC portmap request ypupdated" arachnids,125 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:591 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 32770: -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID592 " # "RPC rstatd query" arachnids,9 classtype:attempted-recon sid:592 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 32770: --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1278 " # "RPC rstatd query" arachnids,9 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1278 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1298 " #Cannot convert: rpc:100083,*,* "RPC portmap request tooltalk" cve,CAN-2001-0717 cve,CVE-1999-0003 cve,CVE-1999-0687 cve,CAN-1999-1075 url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2001-05.html classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1298 #iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1299 " #Cannot convert: rpc:100083,*,* "RPC portmap request tooltalk" cve,CAN-2001-0717 cve,CVE-1999-0003 cve,CVE-1999-0687 cve,CAN-1999-1075 url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2001-05.html classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1299 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID593 " # "RPC tcp portmap request snmpXdmi" cve,CAN-2001-0236 url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2001-05.html bugtraq,2417 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:593 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1279 " # "RPC udp portmap request snmpXdmi" cve,CAN-2001-0236 url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2001-05.html bugtraq,2417 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1279 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID595 " #Cannot convert: rpc:391029,*,* "RPC portmap request espd" cve,CAN-2001-0331 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:595 #iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1296 " #Cannot convert: rpc:100009,*,* "RPC portmap request yppasswdd" bugtraq,2763 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1296 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1297 " #Cannot convert: rpc:100009,*,* "RPC portmap request yppasswdd" bugtraq,2763 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1297 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID596 " #Cannot convert: rpc: 100000,*,* "RPC portmap listing" arachnids,429 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:596 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 32771 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID597 " #Cannot convert: rpc: 100000,*,* "RPC portmap listing" arachnids,429 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:597 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1280 " # "RPC portmap listing" arachnids,429 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1280 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 111 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID598 " # "RPC portmap listing" arachnids,429 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:598 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 32771 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID599 " # "RPC portmap listing" arachnids,429 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:599 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 32771 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1281 " # "RPC portmap listing" arachnids,429 classtype:rpc-portmap-decode sid:1281 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/binF/sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID600 " # "RPC EXPLOIT statdx" arachnids,442 classtype:attempted-admin sid:600 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -m string --string "/binF/sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1282 " # "RPC EXPLOIT statdx" arachnids,442 classtype:attempted-admin sid:1282 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 32770: -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID612 " # "RPC rusers query" cve,CVE-1999-0626 arachnids,136 classtype:attempted-recon sid:612 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 513 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "::::::::::::::::" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID601 " # "RSERVICES rlogin LinuxNIS" classtype:bad-unknown sid:601 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 513 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "binbin" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID602 " # "RSERVICES rlogin bin" arachnids,384 classtype:attempted-user sid:602 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 513 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "echo \" + + \"" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID603 " # "RSERVICES rlogin echo++" arachnids,385 classtype:bad-unknown sid:603 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 513 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "-froot" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID604 " # "RSERVICES rsh froot" arachnids,386 classtype:attempted-admin sid:604 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $HOME_NET --sport 513 -d $EXTERNAL_NET --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "rlogind: Permission denied." -j LOG --log-prefix " SID611 " # "RSERVICES rlogin login failure" arachnids,392 classtype:unsuccessful-user sid:611 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $HOME_NET --sport 513 -d $EXTERNAL_NET --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "login incorrect" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID605 " # "RSERVICES rlogin login failure" arachnids,393 classtype:unsuccessful-user sid:605 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 513 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "rootroot" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID606 " # "RSERVICES rlogin root" arachnids,389 classtype:attempted-admin sid:606 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 514 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "binbin" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID607 " # "RSERVICES rsh bin" arachnids,390 classtype:attempted-user sid:607 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 514 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "echo \"+ +\"" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID608 " # "RSERVICES rsh echo + +" arachnids,388 classtype:attempted-user sid:608 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 514 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "-froot" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID609 " # "RSERVICES rsh froot" arachnids,387 classtype:attempted-admin sid:609 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 514 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "rootroot" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID610 " # "RSERVICES rsh root" arachnids,391 classtype:attempted-admin sid:610 #iptables -A SnortRules -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -j LOG --log-prefix " SID268 " #Cannot convert: fragbits: M dsize:408 "DOS Jolt attack" cve,CAN-1999-0345 classtype:attempted-dos sid:268 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --tcp-flags ALL SYN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID269 " #Cannot convert: id:3868 seq: 3868 "DOS Land attack" cve,CVE-1999-0016 classtype:attempted-dos sid:269 #iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -j LOG --log-prefix " SID270 " #Cannot convert: id:242 fragbits:M "DOS Teardrop attack" cve,CAN-1999-0015 url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-1997-28.html bugtraq,124 classtype:attempted-dos sid:270 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp --sport 19 --dport 7 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID271 " # "DOS UDP echo+chargen bomb" cve,CAN-1999-0635 cve,CVE-1999-0103 classtype:attempted-dos sid:271 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp --dport 19 --sport 7 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID271 " # "DOS UDP echo+chargen bomb" cve,CAN-1999-0635 cve,CVE-1999-0103 classtype:attempted-dos sid:271 #iptables -A SnortRules -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -m string --string "" --proto ip_proto: 2 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID272 " #Cannot convert: fragbits: M+ "DOS IGMP dos attack" cve,CVE-1999-0918 classtype:attempted-dos sid:272 #iptables -A SnortRules -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -m string --string "" --proto ip_proto:2 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID273 " #Cannot convert: fragbits:M+ "DOS IGMP dos attack" cve,CVE-1999-0918 classtype:attempted-dos sid:273 iptables -A SnortRules -p icmp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -m string --string "+++ath" --icmp-type 8 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID274 " # "DOS ath" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1228 arachnids,264 classtype:attempted-dos sid:274 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --tcp-flags ALL SYN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID275 " #Cannot convert: seq: 6060842 id: 413 "DOS NAPTHA" cve,CAN-2000-1039 url,www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS00-091.asp url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2000-21.html url,razor.bindview.com/publish/advisories/adv_NAPTHA.html classtype:attempted-dos sid:275 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -d $EXTERNAL_NET -s $HOME_NET --tcp-flags ALL SYN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID275 " #Cannot convert: seq: 6060842 id: 413 "DOS NAPTHA" cve,CAN-2000-1039 url,www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS00-091.asp url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2000-21.html url,razor.bindview.com/publish/advisories/adv_NAPTHA.html classtype:attempted-dos sid:275 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 7070 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID276 " # "DOS Real Audio Server" bugtraq,1288 cve,CVE-2000-0474 arachnids,411 classtype:attempted-dos sid:276 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 7070 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/viewsource/template.html?" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID277 " # "DOS Real Server template.html" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-2000-0474 bugtraq,1288 classtype:attempted-dos sid:277 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 8080 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/viewsource/template.html?" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID278 " # "DOS Real Server template.html" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-2000-0474 bugtraq,1288 classtype:attempted-dos sid:278 #iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 161 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID279 " #Cannot convert: dsize:0 "DOS Bay/Nortel Nautica Marlin" bugtraq,1009 cve,CVE-2000-0221 classtype:attempted-dos sid:279 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 9 -m string --string "NAMENAME" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID281 " # "DOS Ascend Route" bugtraq,714 cve,CVE-1999-0060 arachnids,262 classtype:attempted-dos sid:281 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 617 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID282 " #Cannot convert: dsize: >1445 "DOS arkiea backup" bugtraq,662 cve,CVE-1999-0788 arachnids,261 classtype:attempted-dos sid:282 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 139 --tcp-flags URG URG -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1257 " # "DOS Winnuke attack" bugtraq,2010 cve,CVE-1999-0153 classtype: attempted-dos sid:1257 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 3372 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1408 " #Cannot convert: dsize:>1023 "DOS MSDTC attempt" bugtraq,4006 classtype:attempted-dos sid:1408 #iptables -A SnortRules -p icmp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --icmp-type 8 -m string --string "1234" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID221 " #Cannot convert: id: 678 "DDOS TFN Probe" arachnids,443 classtype:attempted-recon sid:221 #iptables -A SnortRules -p icmp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --icmp-type 0 -m string --string "AAAAAAAAAA" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID222 " #Cannot convert: icmp_id: 0 "DDOS tfn2k icmp possible communication" arachnids,425 classtype:attempted-dos sid:222 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 31335 -m string --string "PONG" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID223 " # "DDOS Trin00:DaemontoMaster(PONGdetected)" arachnids,187 classtype:attempted-recon sid:223 #iptables -A SnortRules -p icmp -s -d $EXTERNAL_NET --icmp-type 0 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID224 " #Cannot convert: icmp_id: 666 "DDOS Stacheldraht server-spoof" arachnids,193 classtype:attempted-dos sid:224 #iptables -A SnortRules -p icmp -s $HOME_NET -d $EXTERNAL_NET -m string --string "sicken" --icmp-type 0 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID225 " #Cannot convert: icmp_id: 669 "DDOS Stacheldraht server-response-gag" arachnids,195 classtype:attempted-dos sid:225 #iptables -A SnortRules -p icmp -s $HOME_NET -d $EXTERNAL_NET -m string --string "ficken" --icmp-type 0 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID226 " #Cannot convert: icmp_id: 667 "DDOS Stacheldraht server-response" arachnids,191 classtype:attempted-dos sid:226 #iptables -A SnortRules -p icmp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -m string --string "spoofworks" --icmp-type 0 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID227 " #Cannot convert: icmp_id: 1000 "DDOS Stacheldraht client-spoofworks" arachnids,192 classtype:attempted-dos sid:227 #iptables -A SnortRules -p icmp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --icmp-type 0 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID228 " #Cannot convert: icmp_id: 456 icmp_seq: 0 "DDOS TFN client command BE" arachnids,184 classtype:attempted-dos sid:228 #iptables -A SnortRules -p icmp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -m string --string "skillz" --icmp-type 0 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID229 " #Cannot convert: icmp_id: 666 "DDOS Stacheldraht client-check" arachnids,190 classtype:attempted-dos sid:229 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 20432 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID230 " # "DDOS shaft client to handler" arachnids,254 classtype:attempted-dos sid:230 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 31335 -m string --string "l44" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID231 " # "DDOS Trin00:DaemontoMaster(messagedetected)" arachnids,186 classtype:attempted-dos sid:231 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 31335 -m string --string "*HELLO*" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID232 " # "DDOS Trin00:DaemontoMaster(*HELLO*detected)" arachnids,185 url,www.sans.org/newlook/resources/IDFAQ/trinoo.htm classtype:attempted-dos sid:232 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 27665 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "betaalmostdone" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID233 " # "DDOS Trin00:Attacker to Master default startup password" arachnids,197 classtype:attempted-dos sid:233 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 27665 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "gOrave" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID234 " # "DDOS Trin00 Attacker to Master default password" classtype:attempted-dos sid:234 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 27665 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "killme" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID235 " # "DDOS Trin00 Attacker to Master default mdie password" classtype:bad-unknown sid:235 #iptables -A SnortRules -p icmp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -m string --string "gesundheit" --icmp-type 0 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID236 " #Cannot convert: icmp_id: 668 "DDOS Stacheldraht client-check-gag" arachnids,194 classtype:attempted-dos sid:236 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 27444 -m string --string "l44adsl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID237 " # "DDOS Trin00:MastertoDaemon(defaultpassdetected!)" arachnids,197 classtype:attempted-dos sid:237 #iptables -A SnortRules -p icmp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET -m string --string "shell bound to port" --icmp-type 0 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID238 " #Cannot convert: icmp_id: 123 icmp_seq: 0 "DDOS TFN server response" arachnids,182 classtype:attempted-dos sid:238 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 18753 -m string --string "alive tijgu" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID239 " # "DDOS shaft handler to agent" arachnids,255 classtype:attempted-dos sid:239 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 20433 -m string --string "alive" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID240 " # "DDOS shaft agent to handler" arachnids,256 classtype:attempted-dos sid:240 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $HOME_NET -d $EXTERNAL_NET --tcp-flags ALL SYN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID241 " #Cannot convert: seq: 674711609 "DDOS shaft synflood" arachnids,253 classtype:attempted-dos sid:241 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -d $HOME_NET -s $EXTERNAL_NET --tcp-flags ALL SYN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID241 " #Cannot convert: seq: 674711609 "DDOS shaft synflood" arachnids,253 classtype:attempted-dos sid:241 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 6838 -m string --string "newserver" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID243 " # "DDOS mstream agent to handler" classtype:attempted-dos sid:243 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 10498 -m string --string "stream/" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID244 " # "DDOS mstream handler to agent" cve,CAN-2000-0138 classtype:attempted-dos sid:244 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 10498 -m string --string "ping" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID245 " # "DDOS mstream handler ping to agent" cve,CAN-2000-0138 classtype:attempted-dos sid:245 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 10498 -m string --string "pong" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID246 " # "DDOS mstream agent pong to handler" classtype:attempted-dos sid:246 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 12754 -m string --string ">" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID247 " # "DDOS mstream client to handler" cve,CAN-2000-0138 classtype:attempted-dos sid:247 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $HOME_NET --sport 12754 -d $EXTERNAL_NET -m string --string ">" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID248 " # "DDOS mstream handler to client" cve,CAN-2000-0138 classtype:attempted-dos sid:248 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 15104 --tcp-flags ALL SYN -j LOG --log-prefix " SID249 " # "DDOS mstream client to handler" arachnids,111 cve,CAN-2000-0138 classtype:attempted-dos sid:249 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $HOME_NET --sport 15104 -d $EXTERNAL_NET -m string --string ">" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID250 " # "DDOS mstream handler to client" cve,CAN-2000-0138 classtype:attempted-dos sid:250 #iptables -A SnortRules -p icmp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --icmp-type 0 -j LOG --log-prefix " SID251 " #Cannot convert: icmp_id: 51201 icmp_seq: 0 "DDOS - TFN client command LE" arachnids,183 classtype:attempted-dos sid:251 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 -m string --string " " -j LOG --log-prefix " SID252 " # "DNS named iquery attempt" arachnids,277 cve,CVE-1999-0009 bugtraq,134 url,www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1035.txt classtype:attempted-recon sid:252 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET --sport 53 -d $HOME_NET -m string --string "" --string " <" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID253 " # "DNS SPOOF query response PTR with TTL: 1 min. and no authority" classtype:bad-unknown sid:253 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET --sport 53 -d $HOME_NET -m string --string "" --string " <" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID254 " # "DNS SPOOF query response with ttl: 1 min. and no authority" classtype:bad-unknown sid:254 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID255 " # "DNS zone transfer" cve,CAN-1999-0532 arachnids,212 classtype:attempted-recon sid:255 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "authors" --string "bind" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1435 " # "DNS named authors attempt" nocase-ignored arachnids,480 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1435 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 -m string --string "authors" --string "bind" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID256 " # "DNS named authors attempt" nocase-ignored arachnids,480 classtype:attempted-recon sid:256 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "version" --string "bind" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID257 " # "DNS named version attempt" nocase-ignored arachnids,278 classtype:attempted-recon sid:257 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 -m string --string "version" --string "bind" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1616 " # "DNS named version attempt" nocase-ignored arachnids,278 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1616 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "../../../" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID258 " # "DNS EXPLOIT named 8.2->8.2.1" cve,CVE-1999-0833 classtype:attempted-admin sid:258 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "thisissometempspaceforthesockinaddrinyeahyeahiknowthisislamebutanywaywhocareshorizongotitworkingsoalliscool" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID259 " # "DNS EXPLOIT named overflow (ADM)" cve,CVE-1999-0833 classtype:attempted-admin sid:259 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "ADMROCKS" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID260 " # "DNS EXPLOIT named overflow (ADMROCKS)" cve,CVE-1999-0833 url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-1999-14.html classtype:attempted-admin sid:260 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "̀/bin/sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID261 " # "DNS EXPLOIT named overflow attempt" url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-1998-05.html classtype:attempted-admin sid:261 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "1?1۳1̀1" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID262 " # "DNS EXPLOIT x86 linux overflow attempt" classtype:attempted-admin sid:262 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "1̀uLL^" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID264 " # "DNS EXPLOIT x86 linux overflow attempt" classtype:attempted-admin sid:264 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string ")lj<" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID265 " # "DNS EXPLOIT x86 linux overflow attempt (ADMv2)" classtype:attempted-admin sid:265 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "n^1ɉNF" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID266 " # "DNS EXPLOIT x86 freebsd overflow attempt" classtype:attempted-admin sid:266 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 53 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "  #" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID267 " # "DNS EXPLOIT sparc overflow attempt" classtype:attempted-admin sid:267 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp --dport 69 -m string --string "" --string "admin.dll" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1289 " # "TFTP GET Admin.dll" nocase-ignored classtype:successful-admin url,www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2001-26.html sid:1289 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp --dport 69 -m string --string "" --string "nc.exe" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1441 " # "TFTP GET nc.exe" nocase-ignored classtype:successful-admin sid:1441 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp --dport 69 -m string --string "" --string "shadow" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1442 " # "TFTP GET shadow" nocase-ignored classtype:successful-admin sid:1442 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp --dport 69 -m string --string "" --string "passwd" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1443 " # "TFTP GET passwd" nocase-ignored classtype:successful-admin sid:1443 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 69 -m string --string ".." -j LOG --log-prefix " SID519 " # "TFTP parent directory" arachnids,137 cve,CVE-1999-0183 classtype:bad-unknown sid:519 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 69 -m string --string "/" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID520 " # "TFTP root directory" arachnids,138 cve,CVE-1999-0183 classtype:bad-unknown sid:520 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 69 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID518 " # "TFTP Put" cve,CVE-1999-0183 arachnids,148 classtype:bad-unknown sid:518 iptables -A SnortRules -p udp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HOME_NET --dport 69 -m string --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1444 " # "TFTP Get" classtype:bad-unknown sid:1444 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/hsx.cgi" --string "../../" --string "%00" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID803 " # "WEB-CGI HyperSeek hsx.cgi directory traversal attempt" bugtraq,2314 cve,CAN-2001-0253 classtype:web-application-attack sid:803 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/hsx.cgi" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1607 " # "WEB-CGI HyperSeek hsx.cgi access" bugtraq,2314 cve,CAN-2001-0253 classtype:web-application-activity sid:1607 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/s.cgi" --string "tmpl=" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID804 " #Cannot convert: dsize:>500 "WEB-CGI SWSoft ASPSeek Overflow attempt" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-2001-0476 bugtraq,2492 classtype:web-application-attack sid:804 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/wsisa.dll/WService=" --string "WSMadmin" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID805 " # "WEB-CGI webspeed access" nocase-ignored nocase-ignored arachnids,467 cve,CVE-2000-0127 classtype:attempted-user sid:805 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/YaBB.pl" --string "../" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID806 " # "WEB-CGI yabb directory traversal attempt" cve,CVE-2000-0853 arachnids,462 classtype:attempted-recon sid:806 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/wwwboard/passwd.txt" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID807 " # "WEB-CGI wwwboard passwd access" nocase-ignored arachnids,463 cve,CVE-1999-0953 bugtraq,649 classtype:attempted-recon sid:807 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/webdriver" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID808 " # "WEB-CGI webdriver access" nocase-ignored arachnids,473 bugtraq,2166 classtype:attempted-recon sid:808 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/whois_raw.cgi?" --string "" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID809 " # "WEB-CGI whois_raw attempt" cve,CAN-1999-1063 arachnids,466 classtype:web-application-attack sid:809 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/whois_raw.cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID810 " # "WEB-CGI whois_raw access" cve,CAN-1999-1063 arachnids,466 classtype:attempted-recon sid:810 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string " /HTTP/1." -j LOG --log-prefix " SID811 " # "WEB-CGI websitepro path access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-2000-0066 arachnids,468 classtype:attempted-recon sid:811 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/webplus?about" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID812 " # "WEB-CGI webplus version access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-2000-0282 arachnids,470 classtype:attempted-recon sid:812 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/webplus?script" --string "../" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID813 " # "WEB-CGI webplus directory traversal" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-2000-0282 arachnids,471 classtype:web-application-attack sid:813 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/websendmail" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID815 " # "WEB-CGI websendmail access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-1999-0196 arachnids,469 bugtraq,2077 classtype:attempted-recon sid:815 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/dcforum.cgi" --string "forum=../.." -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1571 " # "WEB-CGI dcforum.cgi directory traversal attempt" cve,CAN-2001-0436 classtype:web-application-attack sid:1571 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/dcforum.cgi" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID818 " # "WEB-CGI dcforum.cgi access" bugtraq,2728 classtype:attempted-recon sid:818 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/dcboard.cgi" --string "command=register" --string "%7cadmin" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID817 " # "WEB-CGI dcboard.cgi invalid user addition attempt" bugtraq,2728 classtype:web-application-attack sid:817 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/dcboard.cgi" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1410 " # "WEB-CGI dcboard.cgi access" bugtraq,2728 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1410 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/mmstdod.cgi" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID819 " # "WEB-CGI mmstdod.cgi access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:819 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/apexec.pl" --string "template=../" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID820 " # "WEB-CGI anaconda directory transversal attempt" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-2000-0975 bugtraq,2388 classtype:web-application-attack sid:820 #iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/imagemap.exe?" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID821 " #Cannot convert: dsize: >1000 "WEB-CGI imagemap overflow attempt" nocase-ignored arachnids,412 classtype:web-application-attack sid:821 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/cvsweb.cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID823 " # "WEB-CGI cvsweb.cgi access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-2000-0670 bugtraq,1469 classtype:attempted-recon sid:823 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/php.cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID824 " # "WEB-CGI php.cgi access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-0238 bugtraq,2250 arachnids,232 classtype:attempted-recon sid:824 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/glimpse" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID825 " # "WEB-CGI glimpse access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,2026 classtype:attempted-recon sid:825 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/htmlscript?../.." -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1608 " # "WEB-CGI htmlscript attempt" nocase-ignored bugtraq,2001 cve,CVE-1999-0264 classtype:web-application-attack sid:1608 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/htmlscript" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID826 " # "WEB-CGI htmlscript access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,2001 cve,CVE-1999-0264 classtype:attempted-recon sid:826 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/info2www" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID827 " # "WEB-CGI info2www access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,1995 cve,CVE-1999-0266 classtype:attempted-recon sid:827 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/maillist.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID828 " # "WEB-CGI maillist.pl access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:828 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/nph-test-cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID829 " # "WEB-CGI nph-test-cgi access" nocase-ignored arachnids,224 cve,CVE-1999-0045 bugtraq,686 classtype:attempted-recon sid:829 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/nph-maillist.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1451 " # "WEB-CGI NPH-publish access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-2001-0400 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1451 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/nph-publish" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID830 " # "WEB-CGI NPH-publish access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1177 classtype:attempted-recon sid:830 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/rguest.exe" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID833 " # "WEB-CGI rguest.exe access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-0467 bugtraq,2024 classtype:attempted-recon sid:833 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/rwwwshell.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID834 " # "WEB-CGI rwwwshell.pl access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:834 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/test-cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID835 " # "WEB-CGI test-cgi access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-1999-0070 arachnids,218 classtype:attempted-recon sid:835 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/textcounter.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID836 " # "WEB-CGI testcounter.pl access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:836 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/uploader.exe" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID837 " # "WEB-CGI uploader.exe access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-1999-0177 classtype:attempted-recon sid:837 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/webgais" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID838 " # "WEB-CGI webgais access" nocase-ignored arachnids,472 bugtraq,2058 cve,CVE-1999-0176 classtype:attempted-recon sid:838 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/finger" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID839 " # "WEB-CGI finger access" nocase-ignored arachnids,221 cve,CVE-1999-0612 classtype:attempted-recon sid:839 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/perlshop.cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID840 " # "WEB-CGI perlshop.cgi access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1374 classtype:attempted-recon sid:840 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/pfdisplay.cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID841 " # "WEB-CGI pfdisplay.cgi access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,64 cve,CVE-1999-0270 classtype:attempted-recon sid:841 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/aglimpse" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID842 " # "WEB-CGI aglimpse access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-1999-0147 bugtraq,2026 classtype:attempted-recon sid:842 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/AnForm2" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID843 " # "WEB-CGI anform2 access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-1999-0066 arachnids,225 classtype:attempted-recon sid:843 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/args.bat" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID844 " # "WEB-CGI args.bat access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1374 classtype:attempted-recon sid:844 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/args.cmd" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1452 " # "WEB-CGI args.cmd access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1374 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1452 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/AT-admin.cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID845 " # "WEB-CGI AT-admin.cgi access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1072 classtype:attempted-recon sid:845 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/AT-generated.cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1453 " # "WEB-CGI AT-generated.cgi access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1072 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1453 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/bnbform.cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID846 " # "WEB-CGI bnbform.cgi access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-1999-0937 bugtraq,1469 classtype:attempted-recon sid:846 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/campas" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID847 " # "WEB-CGI campas access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-1999-0146 bugtraq,1975 classtype:attempted-recon sid:847 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/view-source" --string "../" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID848 " # "WEB-CGI view-source directory traversal" nocase-ignored nocase-ignored cve,CVE-1999-0174 classtype:web-application-attack sid:848 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/view-source" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID849 " # "WEB-CGI view-source access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-1999-0174 classtype:attempted-recon sid:849 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/wais.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID850 " # "WEB-CGI wais.pl access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:850 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/wwwwais" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1454 " # "WEB-CGI wwwwais access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-2001-0223 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1454 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/files.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID851 " # "WEB-CGI files.pl access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1081 classtype:attempted-recon sid:851 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/wguest.exe" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID852 " # "WEB-CGI wguest.exe access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-0467 bugtraq,2024 classtype:attempted-recon sid:852 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/wrap" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID853 " # "WEB-CGI wrap access" bugtraq,373 arachnids,234 cve,CVE-1999-0149 classtype:attempted-recon sid:853 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/classifieds.cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID854 " # "WEB-CGI classifieds.cgi access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,2020 cve,CVE-1999-0934 classtype:attempted-recon sid:854 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/edit.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID855 " # "WEB-CGI edit.pl access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:855 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/environ.cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID856 " # "WEB-CGI environ.cgi access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:856 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/faxsurvey?cat%20" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1609 " # "WEB-CGI faxsurvey attempt" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-1999-0262 bugtraq,2056 classtype:web-application-attack sid:1609 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/faxsurvey" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID857 " # "WEB-CGI faxsurvey access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-1999-0262 bugtraq,2056 classtype:web-application-activity sid:857 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/filemail.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID858 " # "WEB-CGI filemail access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:858 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/man.sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID859 " # "WEB-CGI man.sh access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1179 classtype:attempted-recon sid:859 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/snork.bat" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID860 " # "WEB-CGI snork.bat access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,1053 cve,CVE-2000-0169 arachnids,220 classtype:attempted-recon sid:860 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/w3-msql/" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID861 " # "WEB-CGI w3-msql access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,591 cve,CVE-1999-0276 arachnids,210 classtype:attempted-recon sid:861 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/day5datacopier.cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID863 " # "WEB-CGI day5datacopier.cgi access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1232 classtype:attempted-recon sid:863 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/day5datanotifier.cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID864 " # "WEB-CGI day5datanotifier.cgi access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1232 classtype:attempted-recon sid:864 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/post-query" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID866 " # "WEB-CGI post-query access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-2001-0291 classtype:attempted-recon sid:866 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/visadmin.exe" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID867 " # "WEB-CGI visadmin.exe access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,1808 cve,CAN-1999-1970 classtype:attempted-recon sid:867 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/dumpenv.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID869 " # "WEB-CGI dumpenv.pl access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1178 classtype:attempted-recon sid:869 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/calender.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1455 " # "WEB-CGI calender.pl access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-2000-0432 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1455 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/calender_admin.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1456 " # "WEB-CGI calender_admin.pl access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-2000-0432 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1456 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/user_update_admin.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1457 " # "WEB-CGI user_update_admin.pl access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-2000-0627 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1457 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/user_update_passwd.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1458 " # "WEB-CGI user_update_passwd.pl access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-2000-0627 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1458 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/snorkerz.cmd" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID870 " # "WEB-CGI snorkerz.cmd access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:870 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/survey.cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID871 " # "WEB-CGI survey.cgi access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,1817 cve,CVE-1999-0936 classtype:attempted-recon sid:871 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "///" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID873 " # "WEB-CGI scriptalias access" cve,CVE-1999-0236 bugtraq,2300 arachnids,227 classtype:attempted-recon sid:873 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/bin/shA-cA/usr/openwin" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID874 " # "WEB-CGI w3-msql solaris x86 access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-1999-0276 arachnids,211 classtype:attempted-recon sid:874 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/win-c-sample.exe" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID875 " # "WEB-CGI win-c-sample.exe access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,2078 arachnids,231 cve,CVE-1999-0178 classtype:attempted-recon sid:875 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/w3tvars.pm" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID878 " # "WEB-CGI w2tvars.pm access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:878 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/admin.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID879 " # "WEB-CGI admin.pl access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:879 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/LWGate" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID880 " # "WEB-CGI LWGate access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:880 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/archie" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID881 " # "WEB-CGI archie access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:881 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/calendar" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID882 " # "WEB-CGI calendar access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:882 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/flexform" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID883 " # "WEB-CGI flexform access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:883 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/formmail" --string "%0a" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1610 " # "WEB-CGI formmail attempt" nocase-ignored nocase-ignored bugtraq,1187 cve,CVE-1999-0172 arachnids,226 classtype:web-application-attack sid:1610 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/formmail" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID884 " # "WEB-CGI formmail access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,1187 cve,CVE-1999-0172 arachnids,226 classtype:web-application-activity sid:884 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/phf" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID886 " # "WEB-CGI phf access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,629 arachnids,128 cve,CVE-1999-0067 classtype:attempted-recon sid:886 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/www-sql" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID887 " # "WEB-CGI www-sql access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:887 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/wwwadmin.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID888 " # "WEB-CGI wwwadmin.pl access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:888 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/ppdscgi.exe" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID889 " # "WEB-CGI ppdscgi.exe access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,491 classtype:attempted-recon sid:889 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/sendform.cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID890 " # "WEB-CGI sendform.cgi access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:890 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/upload.pl" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID891 " # "WEB-CGI upload.pl access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:891 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/AnyForm2" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID892 " # "WEB-CGI AnyForm2 access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,719 cve,CVE-1999-0066 classtype:attempted-recon sid:892 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/MachineInfo" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID893 " # "WEB-CGI MachineInfo access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1067 classtype:attempted-recon sid:893 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/bb-hist.sh?HISTFILE=../.." -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1531 " # "WEB-CGI bb-hist.sh attempt" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1462 bugtraq,142 classtype:web-application-attack sid:1531 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/bb-hist.sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID894 " # "WEB-CGI bb-hist.sh access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-1999-1462 bugtraq,142 classtype:attempted-recon sid:894 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/bb-histlog.sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1459 " # "WEB-CGI bb-histlog.sh access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,142 cve,CAN-1999-1462 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1459 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/bb-histsvc.sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1460 " # "WEB-CGI bb-histsvc.sh access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,142 cve,CAN-1999-1462 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1460 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/bb-hostsvc.sh?HOSTSVC?../.." -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1532 " # "WEB-CGI bb-hostscv.sh attempt" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-2000-0638 classtype:web-application-attack sid:1532 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/bb-hostsvc.sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1533 " # "WEB-CGI bb-hostscv.sh access" nocase-ignored cve,CVE-2000-0638 classtype:web-application-activity sid:1533 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/bb-rep.sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1461 " # "WEB-CGI bb-rep.sh access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,142 cve,CAN-1999-1462 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1461 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/bb-replog.sh" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1462 " # "WEB-CGI bb-replog.sh access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,142 cve,CAN-1999-1462 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1462 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/redirect" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID895 " # "WEB-CGI redirect access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,1179 cve,CVE-2000-0382 classtype:attempted-recon sid:895 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/way-board/way-board.cgi" --string "db=" --string "../.." --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1397 " # "WEB-CGI wayboard attempt" nocase-ignored bugtraq,2370 cve,CAN-2001-0214 classtype:web-application-attack sid:1397 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/way-board" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID896 " # "WEB-CGI wayboard access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,2370 cve,CAN-2001-0214 classtype:web-application-activity sid:896 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/pals-cgi" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID897 " # "WEB-CGI pals-cgi access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-2001-0216 cve,CAN-2001-0217 bugtraq,2372 classtype:attempted-recon sid:897 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/commerce.cgi?page=../.." --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1572 " # "WEB-CGI commerce.cgi attempt" nocase-ignored bugtraq,2361 cve,CAN-2001-0210 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1572 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/commerce.cgi" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID898 " # "WEB-CGI commerce.cgi access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,2361 cve,CAN-2001-0210 classtype:attempted-recon sid:898 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/sendtemp.pl" --string "templ=" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID899 " # "WEB-CGI Amaya templates sendtemp.pl directory traversal attempt" nocase-ignored nocase-ignored bugtraq,2504 cve,CAN-2001-0272 classtype:web-application-attack sid:899 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/webspirs.cgi" --string "../../" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID900 " # "WEB-CGI webspirs directory traversal attempt" nocase-ignored nocase-ignored cve,CAN-2001-0211 bugtraq,2362 classtype:web-application-attack sid:900 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/webspirs.cgi" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID901 " # "WEB-CGI webspirs access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-2001-0211 bugtraq,2362 classtype:attempted-recon sid:901 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "tstisapi.dll" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID902 " # "WEB-CGI tstisapi.dll access" nocase-ignored cve,CAN-2001-0302 classtype:attempted-recon sid:902 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/sendmessage.cgi" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1308 " # "WEB-CGI sendmessage.cgi access" nocase-ignored classtype:attempted-recon sid:1308 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/lastlines.cgi" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1392 " # "WEB-CGI lastlines.cgi access" nocase-ignored bugtraq,3755 bugtraq,3754 classtype:attempted-recon sid:1392 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/zml.cgi" --string "file=../" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1395 " # "WEB-CGI zml.cgi attempt" bugtraq,3759 classtype:web-application-activity sid:1395 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/zml.cgi" -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1396 " # "WEB-CGI zml.cgi access" bugtraq,3759 classtype:web-application-activity sid:1396 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 -m string --string "/publisher/search.cgi" --string "template=" --tcp-flags ACK ACK -j LOG --log-prefix " SID1405 " # "WEB-CGI AHG search.cgi access" nocase-ignored nocase-ignored bugtraq,3985 classtype:web-application-activity sid:1405 iptables -A SnortRules -p tcp -s $EXTERNAL_NET -d $HTTP_SERVERS --dport 80 --tcp-flags ACK ACK -m string --string "/store/agora.cgi?cart_id=