#!/usr/bin/perl #Copyright 2004 William Stearns #Released under the GPL #Version 0.2.2 #FIXME #get and set ip options # #Note that this is under development. #Usage: tcpsed.pl s//FIELD=value #Future Usage: tcpsed.pl s/restrict/FIELD=value #This has been tested on Linux, but should have no problems running on #any platform with perl. Requires perl-Net-RawIP; see #http://www.stearns.org/perl/ for RPMs or http://www.cpan.org for #source. #use strict; use warnings; use Net::RawIP qw(:pcap); my $OnePacket = new Net::RawIP({tcp => {}}); #icmp=>{} needed to extract icmp values from it later my $Device = "eth0"; my $BPFilter = "proto \\tcp and host"; my $Snaplen = 1500; my $Timeout = -1; my $Param; my $FieldName; my $FieldValue; #my $PacketsToProcess = -1; #All my $PacketsToProcess = 3; #Just one for the moment if ($Param = shift) { ($FieldName, $FieldValue) = split(/=/, $Param, 2); if (($FieldName ne 'IPsaddr') && ($FieldName ne 'IPdaddr')) { die "Don't know how to handle $FieldName.\n"; } if (defined($FieldValue)) { print "Changing $FieldName to $FieldValue\n"; } else { die "Missing value for $FieldName.\n"; } } else { die "What, no changes?.\n"; } my $pcap = $OnePacket->pcapinit($Device,$BPFilter,$Snaplen,$Timeout); loop $pcap, $PacketsToProcess, \&CreateNew, $OnePacket; sub CreateNew { $OnePacket->bset(substr($_[2],14)); #my $TCPsource, $TCPdest, $TCPseq, $TCPack_seq, $TCPdoff, $TCPres1, $TCPres2, $TCPurg, $TCPack, $TCPpsh, $TCPrst, $TCPsyn, $TCPfin, $TCPwindow, $TCPcheck, $TCPurg_ptr, $TCPdata; #my $ICMPtype, $ICMPcode, $ICMPcheck, $ICMPgateway, $ICMPid, $ICMPsequence, $ICMPunused, $ICMPmtu, $ICMPdata; #my $UDPsource, $UDPdest, $UDPlen, $UDPcheck, $UDPdata; #my $GENERICdata; my ($IPversion, $IPihl, $IPtos, $IPtot_len, $IPid, $IPfrag_off, $IPttl, $IPprotocol, $IPcheck, $IPsaddr, $IPdaddr) = $OnePacket->get({ ip => [qw(version ihl tos tot_len id frag_off ttl protocol check saddr daddr)] }); if ($IPprotocol == 6) { my $NewPacket = new Net::RawIP({tcp => {} }); #print "Daddr is $IPdaddr, FieldName $FieldName, (doubleds) FieldName $$FieldName, FieldValue is $FieldValue\n"; ($TCPsource, $TCPdest, $TCPseq, $TCPack_seq, $TCPdoff, $TCPres1, $TCPres2, $TCPurg, $TCPack, $TCPpsh, $TCPrst, $TCPsyn, $TCPfin, $TCPwindow, $TCPcheck, $TCPurg_ptr, $TCPdata) = $OnePacket->get({ tcp => [qw(source dest seq ack_seq doff res1 res2 urg ack psh rst syn fin window check urg_ptr data)]}); #OK, shoot me. I should be able to do just: $$FieldName = $FieldValue; But nothing gets set. if ($FieldName eq 'IPdaddr') { $IPdaddr = $FieldValue; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'IPsaddr') { $IPsaddr = $FieldValue; } #print "Daddr is $IPdaddr\n"; #Not setting check, IPihl, TCPcheck $NewPacket -> set ( { ip => { version => $IPversion, tos => $IPtos, tot_len => $IPtot_len, id => $IPid, frag_off => $IPfrag_off, ttl => $IPttl, protocol => $IPprotocol, saddr => $IPsaddr, daddr => $IPdaddr }, tcp => { source => $TCPsource, dest => $TCPdest, seq => $TCPseq, ack_seq => $TCPack_seq, doff => $TCPdoff, res1 => $TCPres1, res2 => $TCPres2, urg => $TCPurg, ack => $TCPack, psh => $TCPpsh, rst => $TCPrst, syn => $TCPsyn, fin => $TCPfin, window => $TCPwindow, urg_ptr => $TCPurg_ptr, data => $TCPdata } } ); $NewPacket -> send; $NewPacket -> DESTROY; # } elsif ($IPprotocol == 17) { # my $NewPacket = new Net::RawIP({udp => {} }); # # } elsif ($IPprotocol == 1) { # my $NewPacket = new Net::RawIP({icmp => {} }); # ($Type, $Code, $Payload) = $OnePacket->get({ tcp => [qw(type code data)]}); # # #,icmp => { type => $Type, code => $Code, data => $Payload } } ); # } else { # #generic # } }