#!/usr/bin/perl #Copyright 2004 William Stearns #Released under the GPL #Version 0.3.1 #FIXME in NetPacket: #DF flag handling, checksums. #Settable fields: #ip.ver The IP version number of this packet. #ip.flags The IP header flags for this packet. #ip.foffset The IP fragment offset for this packet. #ip.tos The type of service for this IP packet. #ip.id The identification (sequence) number for this IP packet. #ip.ttl The time to live value for this packet. #ip.proto The IP protocol number for this packet. #ip.src_ip The source IP address for this packet in dotted quad notation. #ip.dest_ip The destination IP address for this packet in dotted quad notation. #ip.options Any IP options for this packet. #tcp.src_port The source TCP port for the packet. #tcp.dest_port The destination TCP port for the packet. #tcp.seqnum The TCP sequence number for this packet. #tcp.acknum The TCP acknowledgement number for this packet. #tcp.reserved The 6 bit reserved space in the TCP header. #tcp.flags Contains the urg, ack, psh, rst, syn, fin, ece and cwr flags for this packet. #Not yet, have to do all flags at the moment. #tcp.ece #tcp.cwr #tcp.urg #tcp.ack #tcp.psh #tcp.rst #tcp.syn #tcp.fin #tcp.winsize The TCP window size for this packet. #tcp.urg The TCP urgent pointer. #tcp.options Any TCP options for this packet in binary form. #tcp.data The encapsulated data (payload) for this packet. #udp.src_port The source UDP port for the datagram. #udp.dest_port The destination UDP port for the datagram. #udp.data The encapsulated data (payload) for this packet. #icmp.type The ICMP message type of this packet. #icmp.code The ICMP message code of this packet. #icmp.data The encapsulated data (payload) for this packet. #Ignored fields: #ip.hlen The IP header length of this packet. #ip.len The length (including length of header) in bytes for this packet. #ip.cksum The IP checksum value for this packet. #ip.data The encapsulated data (payload) for this IP packet. #tcp.cksum The TCP checksum. #tcp.hlen The header length for this packet. #udp.cksum The checksum value for this packet. #udp.len The length (including length of header) in bytes for this packet. #icmp.cksum The checksum for this packet. #Future Usage: tcpsed.pl s//FIELD=value #Future Usage: tcpsed.pl s/restrict/FIELD=value #This has been tested on Linux, but should have no problems running on #any platform with perl. Requires perl modules Net::Pcap and NetPacket; #see http://www.cpan.org for #source. Easy install as root: #perl -MCPAN -e 'install Net::Pcap' #perl -MCPAN -e 'install Net::NetPacket' use strict; use warnings; use Net::Pcap; use NetPacket::Ethernet; use NetPacket::IP; use NetPacket::TCP; use Getopt::Long; my $USAGEMSG = < \$PacketsToProcess, 'device|i=s' => \$Device, 'help|h' => \$Help, 'filter=s' => \$BPFilter, 'read|r=s' => \$PcapInputFile, 'snaplen|s=i' => \$Snaplen, 'write|w=s' => \$PcapOutputFile ); die "$USAGEMSG" if $Help; while (my $Param = shift) { my ($FieldName, $FieldValue) = split(/=/, $Param, 2); if (! defined($FieldValue)) { print "Warning, missing value for $FieldName.\n"; } if ($FieldName eq 'ip.ver') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'ver') { $FieldName = 'ip.ver'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'ip.flags') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'flags') { die "'flags' is ambiguous, please use 'ip.flags' or 'tcp.flags'.\n"; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'ip.foffset') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'foffset') { $FieldName = 'ip.foffset'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'ip.tos') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'tos') { $FieldName = 'ip.tos'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'ip.id') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'id') { $FieldName = 'ip.id'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'ip.ttl') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'ttl') { $FieldName = 'ip.ttl'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'ip.proto') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'proto') { $FieldName = 'ip.proto'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'ip.src_ip') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'src_ip') { $FieldName = 'ip.src_ip'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'ip.dest_ip') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'dest_ip') { $FieldName = 'ip.dest_ip'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'ip.options') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'options') { die "'options' is ambiguous, please use 'ip.options' or 'tcp.options'.\n"; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.src_port') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'src_port') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.dest_port') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'dest_port') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.seqnum') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'seqnum') { $FieldName = 'tcp.seqnum'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.acknum') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'acknum') { $FieldName = 'tcp.acknum'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.reserved') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'reserved') { $FieldName = 'tcp.reserved'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.flags') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.ece') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'ece') { # $FieldName = 'tcp.'; #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.cwr') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'cwr') { # $FieldName = 'tcp.'; #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.urg') { #FIXME, org already taken. #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'urg') { # $FieldName = 'tcp.'; #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.ack') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'ack') { # $FieldName = 'tcp.'; #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.psh') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'psh') { # $FieldName = 'tcp.'; #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.rst') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'rst') { # $FieldName = 'tcp.'; #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.syn') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'syn') { # $FieldName = 'tcp.'; #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.fin') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'fin') { # $FieldName = 'tcp.'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.winsize') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'winsize') { $FieldName = 'tcp.winsize'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.urg') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'urg') { $FieldName = 'tcp.urg'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.options') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.data') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'data') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'udp.src_port') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'udp.dest_port') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'udp.data') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'icmp.type') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'type') { $FieldName = 'icmp.type'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'icmp.code') { } elsif ($FieldName eq 'code') { $FieldName = 'icmp.code'; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'icmp.data') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'ip.hlen') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'hlen') { # $FieldName = 'ip.'; #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'ip.len') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'len') { # $FieldName = 'ip.'; #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'ip.cksum') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'cksum') { # $FieldName = 'ip.'; #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'ip.data') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'data') { # $FieldName = 'ip.'; #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.cksum') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'cksum') { # $FieldName = 'tcp.'; #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'tcp.hlen') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'hlen') { # $FieldName = 'tcp.'; #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'udp.cksum') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'cksum') { # $FieldName = 'udp.'; #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'udp.len') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'len') { # $FieldName = 'udp.'; #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'icmp.cksum') { #} elsif ($FieldName eq 'cksum') { # $FieldName = 'icmp.'; } else { die "Unrecognized Field Name $FieldName\n"; } my ($FieldProto, $ChangeField) = split(/\./, $FieldName, 2); #First, check if this is one of the FieldNames that could apply to multiple protocols and set all. if ($FieldName eq 'src_port') { #udp and tcp $TotalChanges++; $TCPField[$TotalChanges] = $FieldName; $TCPNewValue[$TotalChanges] = $FieldValue; $UDPField[$TotalChanges] = $FieldName; $UDPNewValue[$TotalChanges] = $FieldValue; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'dest_port') { #udp and tcp $TotalChanges++; $TCPField[$TotalChanges] = $FieldName; $TCPNewValue[$TotalChanges] = $FieldValue; $UDPField[$TotalChanges] = $FieldName; $UDPNewValue[$TotalChanges] = $FieldValue; } elsif ($FieldName eq 'data') { #tcp udp and icmp $TotalChanges++; $TCPField[$TotalChanges] = $FieldName; $TCPNewValue[$TotalChanges] = $FieldValue; $UDPField[$TotalChanges] = $FieldName; $UDPNewValue[$TotalChanges] = $FieldValue; $ICMPField[$TotalChanges] = $FieldName; $ICMPNewValue[$TotalChanges] = $FieldValue; } elsif ($FieldProto eq 'ip') { $TotalChanges++; $IPField[$TotalChanges] = $ChangeField; $IPNewValue[$TotalChanges] = $FieldValue; } elsif ($FieldProto eq 'tcp') { $TotalChanges++; $TCPField[$TotalChanges] = $ChangeField; $TCPNewValue[$TotalChanges] = $FieldValue; } elsif ($FieldProto eq 'udp') { $TotalChanges++; $UDPField[$TotalChanges] = $ChangeField; $UDPNewValue[$TotalChanges] = $FieldValue; } elsif ($FieldProto eq 'icmp') { $TotalChanges++; $ICMPField[$TotalChanges] = $ChangeField; $ICMPNewValue[$TotalChanges] = $FieldValue; } else { die "Unknown protocol '$FieldProto'\n"; } } if ($TotalChanges == -1) { print "Warning, no changes requested.\n"; } my $ReadHandle; #FIXME bpfilter if ($PcapInputFile) { $ReadHandle = Net::Pcap::open_offline($PcapInputFile, \$Err) || die "Cant open input file: $Err"; } else { die "Direct read unimplemented at the moment."; #$ReadHandle = $RawPacket->pcapinit($Device,$BPFilter,$Snaplen,$Timeout); } my $WriteHandle; if ($PcapOutputFile) { $WriteHandle = Net::Pcap::dump_open($ReadHandle, $PcapOutputFile) || die "Cant open output file: " . Net::Pcap::geterr($ReadHandle); } else { die "Direct write unimplemented at the moment\n"; } Net::Pcap::loop($ReadHandle, $PacketsToProcess, \&ProcessPacket, ""); Net::Pcap::close($ReadHandle); Net::Pcap::dump_close($WriteHandle); print "Processed $PacketsProcessed packets.\n"; sub ProcessPacket { my ($UserData, $Hdr, $Pkt) = @_; my $EthObj = NetPacket::Ethernet->decode($Pkt); my $IPObj = NetPacket::IP->decode($EthObj->{data}); foreach my $OneChange (0..$TotalChanges) { if ($IPField[$OneChange]) { $IPObj->{$IPField[$OneChange]} = $IPNewValue[$OneChange]; } } if ($IPObj->{proto} == 6) { #TCP my $TCPObj = NetPacket::TCP->decode($IPObj->{data}); my $Payload = $TCPObj->{data}; foreach my $OneChange (0..$TotalChanges) { if ($TCPField[$OneChange]) { $TCPObj->{$TCPField[$OneChange]} = $TCPNewValue[$OneChange]; } } $TCPObj->{data} = $Payload; $IPObj->{data} = $TCPObj -> encode; } elsif ($IPObj->{proto} == 17) { #UDP my $UDPObj = NetPacket::UDP->decode($IPObj->{data}); my $Payload = $UDPObj->{data}; foreach my $OneChange (0..$TotalChanges) { if ($UDPField[$OneChange]) { $UDPObj->{$UDPField[$OneChange]} = $UDPNewValue[$OneChange]; } } $UDPObj->{data} = $Payload; $IPObj->{data} = $UDPObj -> encode; } elsif ($IPObj->{proto} == 1) { #ICMP my $ICMPObj = NetPacket::ICMP->decode($IPObj->{data}); my $Payload = $ICMPObj->{data}; foreach my $OneChange (0..$TotalChanges) { if ($ICMPField[$OneChange]) { $ICMPObj->{$ICMPField[$OneChange]} = $ICMPNewValue[$OneChange]; } } $ICMPObj->{data} = $Payload; $IPObj->{data} = $ICMPObj -> encode; } else { #Generic packets #my $Payload = $IPObj->{data}; # #foreach my $OneChange (0..$TotalChanges) { # if ($TCPField[$OneChange]) { # $TCPObj->{$TCPField[$OneChange]} = $TCPNewValue[$OneChange]; # } #} # #Reassemble #$IPObj->{data} = $Payload; } if ($PcapOutputFile) { #Lovely. NetPacket won't reassemble Ethernet frames. #We bindly hope this is actually ethernet, and just #grab the 14 byte header from the original packet and #prepend it to the new. my $NewPkt = substr($Pkt, 0, 14) . $IPObj -> encode; Net::Pcap::dump($WriteHandle, $Hdr, $NewPkt); } else { die "Direct write unimplemented at the moment.\n"; } $PacketsProcessed++; }