#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # William Stearns # Copyright (c) 2013, William Stearns # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the CloudPassage, Inc. nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CLOUDPASSAGE, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED ANDON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Based on: # demo ruby cloudpassage API stuff # Tim Spencer # Thanks, Tim! # # you may need to install the oauth2, rest-client, and json gems with: # sudo gem install oauth2 rest-client json #Version 4.0 #======== User-modifiable values api_key_file = '/etc/halo-api-keys' default_host = 'api.cloudpassage.com' #Timeouts manually extended to handle long setup time for large numbers #of events. Set to -1 to wait forever (although nat, proxies, and load #balancers may cut you off externally. timeout=600 open_timeout=600 $debug = false #Add the directory holding this script to the search path so we can find wlslib.rb $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) #======== End of user-modifiable values #======== Functions #The following load_* functions extract information from api results and store #that in aspects and aspect_scores hashes, which are passed back modified as #parameters. #Pull out information from /servers/{oneid}/accounts. This is the server OS #(windows, unless we find a root account) and the existence of non-system #accounts. def load_accounts(aspects,aspect_scores,accounts_json,server_id,server_os,show_acct) $stderr.puts "loading accounts" if $debug #Assume OS is windows unless we find a valid root account server_os[server_id] = "windows" accounts_json['accounts'].each do |one_account| server_os[server_id] = "linux" if (one_account['username'] == "root") and (one_account['uid'].to_s == "0") if show_acct case one_account['shell'] when '/sbin/nologin','/sbin/shutdown','/bin/sync','/sbin/halt','/bin/false' else if one_account['uid'].to_i >= 100 case one_account['username'] when 'libuuid','nobody','sshd' else aspect_name = "Acct-#{one_account['username']}" aspects[aspect_name] = { } unless aspects.has_key?(aspect_name) aspects[aspect_name][server_id] = "exists" aspect_scores[aspect_name] = { } unless aspect_scores.has_key?(aspect_name) aspect_scores[aspect_name][server_id] = 0 end end end end end #if server_os[server_id] == "windows" # puts JSON.pretty_generate(accounts_json) # #As of 20130324, windows returns { "accounts": { } } # exit #end end #Extract daemon_version, platform, platform_version, os_version, #kernel_name, kernel_machine. #Later: firewall_policy/status def load_server_details(aspects,aspect_scores,server_details_json,server_id) $stderr.puts "loading server_details" if $debug #Add 'connecting_ip_address' later. ['daemon_version', 'platform', 'platform_version', 'os_version', 'kernel_name', 'kernel_machine'].each do |one_aspect| os_attr_name = "OS-#{one_aspect}" aspects[os_attr_name] = { } unless aspects.has_key?(os_attr_name) aspects[os_attr_name][server_id] = server_details_json['server'][one_aspect] aspect_scores[os_attr_name] = { } unless aspect_scores.has_key?(os_attr_name) aspect_scores[os_attr_name][server_id] = 0 end end #Extract the parent domain of the connecting_ip_address from an #individual server json block from /groups/{groupid}/servers . def load_servers(aspects,aspect_scores,one_server,server_id,parent_domain_cache) if $debug $stderr.puts "loading servers" $stderr.puts one_server['connecting_ip_address'], get_parent_domain(one_server['connecting_ip_address'],parent_domain_cache) end aspect_name = "IP-Connecting IP parent domain" aspects[aspect_name] = { } unless aspects.has_key?(aspect_name) aspects[aspect_name][server_id] = get_parent_domain(one_server['connecting_ip_address'],parent_domain_cache) aspect_scores[aspect_name] = { } unless aspect_scores.has_key?(aspect_name) aspect_scores[aspect_name][server_id] = 0 end #Extract svm package names from /servers/{oneid}/svm def load_svm(aspects,aspect_scores,svm_json,server_id,show_cve,show_pkg) $stderr.puts "loading svm" if $debug #Load up package names and versions if svm_json['scan'] != nil svm_json['scan']['findings'].each do |one_package| package_name = "Pkg-#{one_package['package_name']}" if one_package['status'] == 'good' score = 0 elsif one_package['critical'] score = 3 else score = 2 end if show_pkg aspects[package_name] = { } unless aspects.has_key?(package_name) aspects[package_name][server_id] = one_package['package_version'] aspect_scores[package_name] = { } unless aspect_scores.has_key?(package_name) aspect_scores[package_name][server_id] = score end if show_cve one_package['cve_entries'].each do |one_cve| cve_name = package_name + "(#{one_cve['cve_entry']})" aspects[cve_name] = { } unless aspects.has_key?(cve_name) if one_cve['suppressed'] aspects[cve_name][server_id] = 'suppressed' else aspects[cve_name][server_id] = 'vulnerable' end aspect_scores[cve_name] = { } unless aspect_scores.has_key?(cve_name) aspect_scores[cve_name][server_id] = score end end end end end #Extract server state, svm package names, svm cve vulnerabilities, sca #rules, and sca checks from /servers/{oneid}/issues def load_issues(aspects,aspect_scores,issues_json,server_id,status_scores,show_cve,show_pkg,show_rules,show_checks) $stderr.puts "loading issues" if $debug #Load "state", which will always be active, to get a server list aspects['State'] = { } unless aspects.has_key?('State') aspects['State'][server_id] = issues_json['state'] aspect_scores['State'] = { } unless aspect_scores.has_key?('State') case issues_json['state'] when "active" #State is always active at the moment. aspect_scores['State'][server_id] = 0 else aspect_scores['State'][server_id] = 2 end #Load up package names and versions if issues_json['svm'] != nil issues_json['svm']['findings'].each do |one_package| package_name = "Pkg-#{one_package['package_name']}" score = 0 if one_package['critical'] score = 3 else score = 2 end if show_pkg aspects[package_name] = { } unless aspects.has_key?(package_name) aspects[package_name][server_id] = one_package['package_version'] aspect_scores[package_name] = { } unless aspect_scores.has_key?(package_name) aspect_scores[package_name][server_id] = score end if show_cve one_package['cve_entries'].each do |one_cve| cve_name = package_name + "(#{one_cve['cve_entry']})" aspects[cve_name] = { } unless aspects.has_key?(cve_name) if one_cve['suppressed'] aspects[cve_name][server_id] = 'suppressed' else aspects[cve_name][server_id] = 'vulnerable' end aspect_scores[cve_name] = { } unless aspect_scores.has_key?(cve_name) aspect_scores[cve_name][server_id] = score end end end end #Load up each of the scan rules and checks if (issues_json['sca'] == nil) or (issues_json['sca']['findings'] == nil) if (issues_json['sca'] != nil) and issues_json['sca']['status'] != "failed" $stderr.puts "Nil sca or findings for:" $stderr.puts issues_json.inspect end else issues_json['sca']['findings'].each do |one_rule| #Remove any html in the rule name rule_name = "Cfg rule-#{one_rule['rule_name'].to_s.gsub(/<[^>]*>/,"")}" if show_rules #Load up the rules first aspects[rule_name] = { } unless aspects.has_key?(rule_name) aspects[rule_name][server_id] = one_rule['status'] aspect_scores[rule_name] = { } unless aspect_scores.has_key?(rule_name) aspect_scores[rule_name][server_id] = status_scores["#{one_rule['status']}/#{one_rule['critical']}"] end if show_checks #And now load up their component checks one_rule['details'].each do |one_check| if one_check['status'] == 'indeterminate' check_value = 'indeterminate' else check_value = one_check['actual'].to_s.gsub(/<[^>]*>/,"") end check_name = "" case one_check['type'] when 'configuration' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} has #{one_check['config_key']} #{one_check['config_key_value_delimiter']} #{one_check['expected']})" when 'dir_acl', 'file_acl' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} ACL is #{one_check['expected']})" when 'dir_owner_gid', 'file_owner_gid' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} owned by group #{one_check['expected']})" when 'dir_owner_uid', 'file_owner_uid' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} owned by #{one_check['expected']})" when 'dir_sticky_bit', check_name = rule_name + " (world writeable directory without sticky bit: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'file_presence' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} exists: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'file_regex' #Does not list the regex #{"actual"=>false, "target"=>"/etc/pam.d/system-auth-ac", #"status"=>"bad", "expected"=>true, "scan_status"=>"ok", #"type"=>"file_regex"} check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} has a regex: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'file_set_gid' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} setgid: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'file_set_uid' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} setuid: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'group_gid_is' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} has gid #{one_check['expected']})" when 'group_has_password' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} has password: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'group_has_users' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} has users: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'password_is_username' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} has password = username: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'port_white' #Network service accessibility, does not list interface name as a field #{"scan_status"=>"ok", "bound_process"=>"sshd", "target"=>"*", #"actual"=>"22/TCP", "status"=>"bad", "type"=>"port_white", #"port_scan_status"=>"open", "expected"=>"99/TCP"} check_name = rule_name + " (check-only open ports: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'port_process' #Network service processes, does not list interface or port #{"expected"=>"bash", "scan_status"=>"ok", "type"=>"port_process", #"actual"=>"sshd", "target"=>"*", "status"=>"bad"} check_name = rule_name + " (check-Port N should only have listener #{one_check['expected']})" when 'process_effective_gid' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} running as group #{one_check['expected']})" when 'process_effective_uid' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} running as #{one_check['expected']})" when 'process_presence' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} should be running: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_file_presence' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} home directory #{one_check['home_directory']} contains #{one_check['patterns']}: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_has_groups' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} is a member of only #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_has_logged_in' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} has logged in: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_has_not_logged_in' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} has not logged in: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_has_password' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} has a password: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_home_presence' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} has a home directory #{one_check['home_directory']}: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_home_file_group_ownership' #This has an array with the file names we could later harvest check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} home directory #{one_check['home_directory']} has files group owned by another user: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_home_file_ownership' #This has an array with the file names we could later harvest check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} home directory #{one_check['home_directory']} has files owned by another user: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_home_files_umask' #This has an array with the file names we could later harvest check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} home directory #{one_check['home_directory']} sets insecure umask: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_home_files_detect_path_statements' #This has an array with the file names we could later harvest check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} has no unsafe PATH statements in #{one_check['home_directory']}: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_home_group_ownership' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} home directory #{one_check['home_directory']} owned by gid: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_home_ownership' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} home directory #{one_check['home_directory']} owned by uid: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_home_device_files' #This has an array with the file names we could later harvest check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} home directory #{one_check['home_directory']} has character or block devices: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_home_setgid_files' #This has an array with the file names we could later harvest check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} home directory #{one_check['home_directory']} has setgid files: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_home_setuid_files' #This has an array with the file names we could later harvest check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} home directory #{one_check['home_directory']} has setuid files: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'user_uid_is' check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} has uid #{one_check['expected']})" when 'windows_advanced_audit_policy' {"type"=>"windows_advanced_audit_policy", "status"=>"bad", "target"=>"auditpol Kerberos Service Ticket Operations", "expected"=>"---\n- Success and Failure\n", "actual"=>"Success", "scan_status"=>"ok"} check_name = rule_name + " (check-win_advanced_audit_policy, #{one_check['target']} = #{one_check['expected']})" when 'windows_file_presence' #{"expected"=>true, "target"=>"C:\\note1-junk.txt", "actual"=>false, "status"=>"bad", "type"=>"windows_file_presence", "scan_status"=>"not_found"} check_name = rule_name + " (check-#{one_check['target']} = #{one_check['expected']})" when 'windows_local_security_policy' #{"scan_status"=>"ok", "status"=>"bad", "type"=>"windows_local_security_policy", "target"=>"secedit", "actual"=>"0", "expected"=>"1"} check_name = rule_name + " (check-win_local_sec_pol, #{one_check['target']} exists: #{one_check['expected']})" when 'windows_local_user_rights_assignment' {"type"=>"windows_local_user_rights_assignment", "status"=>"bad", "target"=>"SeDebugPrivilege", "expected"=>"BUILTIN_ADMINISTRATORS,tcummings", "actual"=>"ADMINISTRATORS", "scan_status"=>"ok"} check_name = rule_name + " (check-win_local_user_rights_assignment, #{one_check['target']} = #{one_check['expected']})" when 'windows_reg_key_value' #{"type"=>"windows_reg_key_value", "status"=>"bad", "target"=>"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SQL Server\\110", "expected"=>"f0", "actual"=>"240", "scan_status"=>"ok"} check_name = rule_name + " (check-win_reg_key_value, #{one_check['target']} = #{one_check['expected']})" when 'windows_service_started' {"type"=>"windows_service_started", "status"=>"indeterminate", "target"=>"WinLogon", "expected"=>true, "actual"=>false, "scan_status"=>"not_found"} check_name = rule_name + " (check-win_service, #{one_check['target']} = #{one_check['expected']})" else $stderr.puts "No check_name defined for #{one_check['type']}." $stderr.puts one_check.inspect end check_name = check_name.to_s.gsub(/<[^>]*>/,"") case one_check['type'] when 'configuration', 'dir_acl', 'dir_owner_gid', 'dir_owner_uid', 'dir_sticky_bit', 'file_acl', 'file_owner_gid', 'file_owner_uid', 'file_presence', 'file_regex', 'file_set_gid', 'file_set_uid', 'group_gid_is', 'group_has_password', 'group_has_users', 'password_is_username', 'port_process', 'port_white', 'process_effective_gid', 'process_effective_uid', 'process_presence', 'user_file_presence', 'user_has_groups', 'user_has_logged_in', 'user_has_not_logged_in', 'user_has_password', 'user_home_file_group_ownership', 'user_home_file_ownership', 'user_home_group_ownership', 'user_home_ownership', 'user_home_presence', 'user_home_device_files', 'user_home_files_detect_path_statements', 'user_home_files_umask', 'user_home_setgid_files', 'user_home_setuid_files', 'user_uid_is', 'windows_advanced_audit_policy', 'windows_file_presence', 'windows_local_security_policy', 'windows_local_user_rights_assignment', 'windows_reg_key_value', 'windows_service_started' aspects[check_name] = { } unless aspects.has_key?(check_name) aspects[check_name][server_id] = check_value aspect_scores[check_name] = { } unless aspect_scores.has_key?(check_name) aspect_scores[check_name][server_id] = status_scores["#{one_check['status']}/#{one_rule['critical']}"] else $stderr.puts "No check storage requested for #{one_check['type']}." $stderr.puts one_check.inspect end end end end end end #This is called to print a report for a group, all servers in a portal #account, or all servers in all portal accounts requested. def print_oott_report(group_name,aspects,aspect_scores,all_server_ids,server_hostnames,report_dir,server_count,table_names,server_os) $stderr.puts "printing report" if $debug report_file=report_dir + '/oott-' + group_name.gsub(/[^a-z0-9\-]+/i, '_') + '.html' table_line_arrays = { } begin #Create, or truncate existing file for write File.open(report_file, "w") { |report_handle| #Print an HTML header report_handle.puts "One of these things..." report_handle.puts '' report_handle.print "

#{group_name}: #{server_count} server" report_handle.print "s" if server_count != 1 report_handle.puts "

" if all_server_ids.length == 0 report_handle.puts "

No servers in this group.

" else hostnames = { } hostnames['linux'] = [ ] hostnames['windows'] = [ ] all_server_ids.each do |one_id| hostnames[server_os[one_id]] << server_hostnames[one_id] end report_handle.print "

#{hostnames['linux'].length} Linux server" report_handle.print "s" if hostnames['linux'].length != 1 report_handle.puts ": " report_handle.puts hostnames['linux'].sort.join(" ") report_handle.puts "

" report_handle.print "

#{hostnames['windows'].length} Windows server" report_handle.print "s" if hostnames['windows'].length != 1 report_handle.puts ": " report_handle.puts hostnames['windows'].sort.join(" ") report_handle.puts "

" report_handle.puts "

Each table row contains an expected value in column 1. All other columns hold an observed value with a number of servers on which it was seen. Click on the number to see the server names, click again to hide. Observed values are colored according to severity: good, indeterminate, bad, and bad and critical.

" end #Load up each of the summary lines, organized into multiple tables (one for each of the 8 scores, 0-7) aspects.keys.sort.each do |one_aspect| line_score, table_cell_array = summarize_one_aspect(aspects[one_aspect],aspect_scores[one_aspect],one_aspect,server_hostnames,server_count) table_line_arrays[line_score] = [ ] unless table_line_arrays.has_key?(line_score) table_line_arrays[line_score] << table_cell_array end #Print out each table, starting with the highest severity and working down to the lowest 7.downto(0) do |line_score| if table_line_arrays.has_key?(line_score) report_handle.puts "


" report_handle.puts "" report_handle.puts "" #While we have any line arrays left to process while table_line_arrays[line_score].length > 0 identical_value_block = [ ] remaining_lines = [ ] #Grab (and remove) the first available line array identical_value_block << table_line_arrays[line_score].shift #Now look for any other line arrays with identical columns 2+ out of the remaining line arrays table_line_arrays[line_score].each do |one_array| if line_arrays_equal(identical_value_block[0],one_array) #Transfer any identical lines from table_line_arrays to indentical_value_block identical_value_block << one_array else remaining_lines << one_array end end #Push the remaining (non-equal) lines back onto #table_line_arrays so we can look for the next block. table_line_arrays[line_score] = remaining_lines #Print the first cell of the first row report_handle.print "" #For the remining cells in the first row, print them but use rowspan=number_of_rows so they'll span down over the remaining rows identical_value_block[0].drop(1).each do |one_cell| report_handle.print "" end report_handle.puts "" #For the rest of the lines, just print column one as the remaining columns are spanned. identical_value_block.drop(1).each do |one_line_array| report_handle.puts "\n" end end report_handle.puts "
Server aspect:expected valueObserved:server count
" + one_line_array[0] + "
" end end #Finally an HTML footer report_handle.puts "" report_handle.close } rescue $stderr.puts "Unable to write report to #{report_file} ; permissions?" end end #Compare 2 line arrays. We're looking for 2 lines with identical _observed #values_, so we ignore the first column ([0]) and only compare the others. #We also strip out all html. This function supports our ability to group #aspects together with rowspan. def line_arrays_equal(line_array1, line_array2) arrays_equal = true #They have to be the same length for there to be any chance of being equal if line_array1.length != line_array2.length arrays_equal = false else #Check each cell except the first. Strip out any html and compare each (1..line_array1.length-1).each do |one_index| arrays_equal = false if line_array1[one_index].to_s.gsub(/<[^>]*>/,"") != line_array2[one_index].to_s.gsub(/<[^>]*>/,"") end end return arrays_equal end #This turns our original one_aspect[hostid] => value hash into a #value_owners[value] => [ hostids] hash. def summarize_one_aspect(one_aspect,one_aspect_scores,aspect_name,server_hostnames,server_count) line_score = 0 value_owners = { } #Each table cell string is an element of the array. We hand it up to make comparisons easier in parent routine #Since the first column holds the server aspect, we initialize the array with that in [0] table_cell_array = [ aspect_name ] #The one_aspect hash holds { host_id => value } pairs. We pull these out and store them in #value_owners, which holds { value => [ list of host_ids ] } pairs. one_aspect.each_key do |one_host_id| one_value = one_aspect[one_host_id] #Pull out the highest score for any cell to give a score to the entire line if one_aspect_scores.has_key?(one_host_id) line_score = one_aspect_scores[one_host_id] if one_aspect_scores[one_host_id] > line_score case one_aspect_scores[one_host_id] #when 0 #Good #one_value = "" + one_value + "" when 1 #Indeterminate one_value = "" + one_value + "" when 2 #Bad one_value = "" + one_value + "" when 3 #Bad+critical one_value = "" + one_value + "" end else $stderr.puts "Warning, no score assigned to #{aspect_name} on host #{one_host_id}" end value_owners[one_value] = [ ] unless value_owners.has_key?(one_value) value_owners[one_value] << one_host_id unless value_owners[one_value].include?(one_host_id) end #The usual score range is 0 (good) to 3 (bad + critical). We raise that by 4 (4-7) if #there's any disagreement, which is the case if any value cell has #{value_owners[one_value].length}" cell_content += "
" cell_content += " (" value_owners[one_value].each do |one_owner| cell_content += " #{server_hostnames[one_owner]}" end cell_content += " )
" end table_cell_array << cell_content end return line_score, table_cell_array end #======== End of functions #======== Loadable modules require 'rubygems' require 'optparse' require 'oauth2' require 'rest-client' require 'json' load 'wlslib.rb' #======== End of loadable modules #======== Initialization api_client_ids = [ ] api_secrets = { } api_hosts = { } my_proxy = nil report_dir = './' server_hostnames = { } #{ hostid => hostname } server_os = { } #{ hostid => "linux", "hostid" => "windows" } global_aspects = { } #{ aspect_name => { hostid => value } } global_aspect_scores = { } #{ aspect_name => { hostid => severity_score(0..3) } } global_server_ids = [ ] #A list of all server IDS for the final global report $all_warnings = { } $html_div_count = 0 parent_domain_cache = { } status_scores = { "bad/true" => 3, "bad/false" => 2, "indeterminate/true" => 1, "indeterminate/false" => 1, "good/true" => 0, "good/false" => 0 } table_names = { 7 => "Servers disagree, severity bad and critical", 6 => "Servers disagree, severity bad", 5 => "Servers disagree, indeterminate", 4 => "Servers disagree, severity good", 3 => "Servers agree, severity bad and critical", 2 => "Servers agree, severity bad", 1 => "Servers agree, indeterminate", 0 => "Servers agree, severity good" } default_key = "" show_acct = true #These allow the user to turn off parts of the report show_checks = true show_cve = true show_pkg = true show_rules = true #======== End of initialization optparse = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "One of these things is not like the others; provide group summaries of the differences between systems in the group. Usage: oott.rb [options]" opts.on("-i keyid", "--api_client_id keyid", "API Key ID (can be read only or full access). If no key specified, use first key. If ALL , use all keys.") do |keyid| api_client_ids << keyid unless api_client_ids.include?(keyid) end opts.on("--report_dir report_dir", "Report directory, to which the html reports will be written. Must exist. Any reports in this directory will be overwritten. Defaults to current directory.") do |input_dir| report_dir = input_dir.to_s + "/" end opts.on("--no-acct", "--no-accounts", "Do not show server accounts") do show_acct = false end opts.on("--no-cfg", "Do not show configuration rules or checks") do show_checks = false show_rules = false end opts.on("--no-checks", "Do not show configuration checks") do show_checks = false end opts.on("--no-cve", "Do not show CVE vulnerabilities") do show_cve = false end opts.on("--no-pkg", "--no-packages", "Do not show packages") do show_pkg = false end opts.on("--no-rules", "Do not show configuration rules") do show_rules = false end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show help text") do $stderr.puts opts exit end end optparse.parse! default_key = load_api_keys(api_key_file,api_secrets,api_hosts,default_host) if default_key == "" $stderr.puts "Unable to load any keys from #{api_key_file}, exiting." exit 1 end #Validate all user params if (api_client_ids.length == 0) $stderr.puts "No key requested on command line; using the first valid key in #{api_key_file}, #{default_key}." api_client_ids << default_key elsif (api_client_ids.include?('ALL')) or (api_client_ids.include?('All')) or (api_client_ids.include?('all')) $stderr.puts "\"ALL\" requested; using all available keys in #{api_key_file}: #{api_secrets.keys.join(',')}" api_client_ids = api_secrets.keys.sort end unless File.directory?(report_dir) $stderr.puts "'#{report_dir}' is not a directory. Please create it or specify a different directory with parameter --report_dir. Exiting." exit 1 end $stderr.puts "Saving reports to #{report_dir}" #To accomodate a proxy, we need to handle both RestClient with the #following one-time statement, and also as a :proxy parameter to the #oauth2 call below. if ENV['https_proxy'].to_s.length > 0 my_proxy = ENV['https_proxy'] RestClient.proxy = my_proxy $stderr.puts "Using proxy: #{RestClient.proxy}" end #Use a simple file lock to make sure that only one #copy of the script is running at a time. lock_file = "/tmp/oott.lock" File.open(lock_file, "a") {} unless File.new(lock_file).flock( File::LOCK_NB | File::LOCK_EX ) $stderr.puts "It appears another copy of this script is running and holds the lock on #{lock_file}. Exiting." exit end api_client_ids.each do |one_client_id| if (api_secrets[one_client_id].to_s.length == 0) $stderr.puts "Invalid or missing api_client_secret for key id #{one_client_id}, skipping this key." $stderr.puts "The mode 600 file #{api_key_file} should contain one line per key ID/secret like:" $stderr.puts "myid1|mysecret1" $stderr.puts "myid2|mysecret2[|optional apihost:port]" else $stderr.puts "Pulling aspects from #{api_hosts[one_client_id]} using key #{one_client_id}" #If this script runs a long time, we'll need to get a new session key if #we're within a minute of the timeout. Remember the timeout for later. #FIXME - get timeout from response instead of hardcoding revalidate_stamp = Time.now.to_i + 900 #Acquire a session key from the Halo Portal for use by the rest of this script token = get_auth_token(one_client_id,api_secrets[one_client_id],my_proxy,api_hosts[one_client_id]) if token == "" $stderr.puts "Unable to retrieve a token, skipping account #{one_client_id}." else #Get the group name hash group_names = get_group_names(api_hosts[one_client_id],timeout,open_timeout,token) #Collect all aspects for all servers in this portal account in the following three thiskey_aspects = { } thiskey_aspect_scores = { } thiskey_server_ids = [ ] group_names.each_key do |one_group_id| group_servers_json = api_get("https://#{api_hosts[one_client_id]}/v1/groups/#{one_group_id}/servers",timeout,open_timeout,token) #Collect aspects for just the servers in this group in the following three aspects = { } aspect_scores = { } server_ids_to_process = [ ] group_servers_json['servers'].each do |one_server| server_hostnames[one_server['id']] = one_server['hostname'] server_ids_to_process << one_server['id'] thiskey_server_ids << one_server['id'] global_server_ids << one_server['id'] load_servers(aspects,aspect_scores,one_server,one_server['id'],parent_domain_cache) load_servers(thiskey_aspects,thiskey_aspect_scores,one_server,one_server['id'],parent_domain_cache) load_servers(global_aspects,global_aspect_scores,one_server,one_server['id'],parent_domain_cache) end server_ids_to_process.each do |one_id| #Perhaps merge in load_servers functionality here later. server_details_json = api_get("https://#{api_hosts[one_client_id]}/v1/servers/#{one_id}",timeout,open_timeout,token) load_server_details(aspects,aspect_scores,server_details_json,one_id) load_server_details(thiskey_aspects,thiskey_aspect_scores,server_details_json,one_id) load_server_details(global_aspects,global_aspect_scores,server_details_json,one_id) if (show_cve or show_pkg) svm_json = api_get("https://#{api_hosts[one_client_id]}/v1/servers/#{one_id}/svm",timeout,open_timeout,token) load_svm(aspects,aspect_scores,svm_json,one_id,show_cve,show_pkg) load_svm(thiskey_aspects,thiskey_aspect_scores,svm_json,one_id,show_cve,show_pkg) load_svm(global_aspects,global_aspect_scores,svm_json,one_id,show_cve,show_pkg) end #FIXME put in "if" once all show_'s created. issues_json = api_get("https://#{api_hosts[one_client_id]}/v1/servers/#{one_id}/issues",timeout,open_timeout,token) load_issues(aspects,aspect_scores,issues_json,one_id,status_scores,show_cve,show_pkg,show_rules,show_checks) load_issues(thiskey_aspects,thiskey_aspect_scores,issues_json,one_id,status_scores,show_cve,show_pkg,show_rules,show_checks) load_issues(global_aspects,global_aspect_scores,issues_json,one_id,status_scores,show_cve,show_pkg,show_rules,show_checks) #We can't place this inside "if show_acct" as we're using the user account info to determine OS at the moment accounts_json = api_get("https://#{api_hosts[one_client_id]}/v1/servers/#{one_id}/accounts",timeout,open_timeout,token) load_accounts(aspects,aspect_scores,accounts_json,one_id,server_os,show_acct) load_accounts(thiskey_aspects,thiskey_aspect_scores,accounts_json,one_id,server_os,show_acct) load_accounts(global_aspects,global_aspect_scores,accounts_json,one_id,server_os,show_acct) end #This creates the report for just this server group print_oott_report(one_client_id+"-"+group_names[one_group_id],aspects,aspect_scores,server_ids_to_process,server_hostnames,report_dir,group_servers_json['servers'].length,table_names,server_os) #If this script runs a long time, we'll need to get a new session key if #we're within a minute of the timeout if ( Time.now.to_i > ( revalidate_stamp - 60 ) ) #FIXME - get timeout from response instead of hardcoding revalidate_stamp = Time.now.to_i + 900 #Acquire a new session key from the Halo Portal token = get_auth_token(one_client_id,api_secrets[one_client_id],my_proxy,api_hosts[one_client_id]) if token == "" $stderr.puts "Unable to retrieve a token, exiting." exit 1 end end #We needed to get a new token end #loop through each group #Now that we've processed each group we do the report for all servers in this portal account print_oott_report(one_client_id+"-Combined list of all servers",thiskey_aspects,thiskey_aspect_scores,thiskey_server_ids,server_hostnames,report_dir,thiskey_server_ids.length,table_names,server_os) end #we have a valid token end #we have a valid secret end #loop through the client ids $stderr.puts "Complete." #If more than one portal account was polled, if api_client_ids.length > 1 #print the report for all servers we've seen in all portal accounts print_oott_report(api_client_ids.join("-")+"-Combined list of all servers",global_aspects,global_aspect_scores,global_server_ids,server_hostnames,report_dir,server_hostnames.length,table_names,server_os) end $stderr.puts $all_warnings.values exit 0