Individual Suite pages:

[summary] [combined] [base] [broken] [extra] [not-accepted] [obsolete] [oldnat] [optimizations] [pending] [submitted] [userspace]

ipv4 patches

[ipt_REJECT-fake-source] [mark-bitwise-ops] [raw]

ipv6 patches



userspace depends on: submitted pending base extra

Patches which need to patch userspace iptables. Use with caution

ipt_REJECT-fake-source [ipt_REJECT-fake-source.patch] []
Author: Fabrice MARIE <>
Status: It Works For Me.

Adds the possibility to send icmp-unreachable messages
from a fake source IP address. The original destination of the packet will be
used as the source of the icmp-unreach.

To make it so that the icmp-unreach seems to come from the destination host :
# iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d --dport domain -j REJECT --fake-source
# iptables --list
Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
REJECT     tcp  --  anywhere       tcp dpt:domain reject-with icmp-port-unreachable source-faked

***** WARNING ***** This patch also patch the userspace directory which means that you
                    you have to recompile and reinstall the iptables package after that.

mark-bitwise-ops [mark-bitwise-ops.patch] []
Author: Fabrice MARIE <>
Status: Works For Me.

This patch adds support for matching the nfmark bitwise (and & or).

For example, to test if the second bit of nfmark is set :
# iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p icmp -m mark --markand 0x2/0x2 -j ACCEPT

I'm sure you will find a use for the OR bitwise operation as well :)
# iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p icmp -m mark --markor 0x7/0x1 -j ACCEPT

***** WARNING ***** This patch also patch the userspace directory which means that
                    you have to recompile and reinstall the iptables package after that.

raw [raw.patch] [] [] [] [raw.patch.ipv6] [] [] [] [raw.patch.ipv6.makefile] [raw.patch.makefile]
Author: Jozsef Kadlecsik <>
Status: Testing.

This patch adds a new table called 'raw' with two new targets
'NOTRACK' and 'TRACE' to netfilter/iptables (plus some modifications).

The raw table is the very first in netfilter (it even precedes 
the conntrack subsystem) and uses the PREROUTING and OUTPUT
built-in chains.

The TRACE target can be used to trace how the packet "flows trough" 
your tables and rules. When a packet marked with the TRACE target
matches any rule, the system logs the packet with the following

	TRACE: tablename/chainname/rulenum packet

The internal logging functionality relies on the available
"backend" logging modules (ipt_LOG or ipt_ULOG). You must load
at least one of the logging modules in. If both modules are 
loaded, then default ipt_LOG generates the internal loggings,
which can be overridden by the module parameter 'takeover' of
the ipt_ULOG module:

	modprobe ipt_ULOG takeover=1 

The NOTRACK target can be used to select which packets *not* 
to enter the conntrack/NAT subsystems. Please keep in mind:
if you mark a packet with NOTRACK, then

- all the conntrack functionalities are lost for the packet
  (ICMP error tracking, protocol helpers, etc)
- all the NAT functionalities are also lost.

Packets marked with NOTRACK can be matched by the 'UNTRACKED'
state. Example

# Very busy webserver
iptables -t raw -A PREROUTING -d -p tcp --dport 80 -j NOTRACK
iptables -t raw -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp --sport 80 -j NOTRACK

# filter rules
iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state UNTRACKED -j ACCEPT

raw [raw.patch] [] [] [] [raw.patch.ipv6] [] [] [] [raw.patch.ipv6.makefile] [raw.patch.makefile]
Author: Jozsef Kadlecsik <>
Status: Testing.

This patch adds a new table called 'raw' with a new target
called 'TRACE' to netfilter/iptables (plus some modifications).

The raw table is the very first in netfilter and uses the 
PREROUTING and OUTPUT built-in chains.

The TRACE target can be used to trace how the packet "flows trough" 
your tables and rules. When a packet marked with the TRACE target
matches any rule, the system logs the packet with the following

	TRACE: tablename/chainname/rulenum packet

The internal logging functionality relies on the available
"backend" logging module (ip6t_LOG). You must load the logging
module in, otherwise no log will be generated. 

Generated Mon Jan 13 19:42:34 EST 2003 by pomlist version 0.2.2.